Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [verb] also " in BNC.

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1 It should be noted also that Cognitive–Behaviour Therapy has been applied beyond psychiatric disorders to the problems of offenders and to people with learning difficulties .
2 It should be noted also that many sociologists would argue-particularly Goode , for example ( Goode , 1970 ) — that these changes are not simply confined to Britain and the United States but are taking place throughout the world , although at different paces and starting from different points .
3 Further to the possibilities mentioned there however , note should be made also of features of many mosaics at Bignor , Sussex ( Lysons ( 1817 ) , vol .
4 The early and later work of Bernstein is obviously important here , but some attention should be given also to the work of U.S. investigators in related fields .
5 This should be seen also in the context of improving communications within the Garden , between gardens , and between RBGE and external information resources and services .
6 It should be said also that both the 1954 church as the 1976 halls owned a tremendous amount to the generosity of the Rank Trust .
7 Workgroup software should be evaluated also .
8 If an application to rescind a bankruptcy order is to be made , application should be considered also , as a preliminary measure , for an order requiring the official receiver to suspend the action which he is otherwise obliged to take immediately after a bankruptcy order has been made , namely , to send notice of the order to the Chief Land Registrar , to advertise the order in a local newspaper and to gazette the order ( r 6.34 ) .
9 It should be remembered also that the interview is only one incident within a series of communication functions which aim towards one objective .
10 Notice must be given also to the court with a certificate that notice has been given to the other parties .
11 However , it must be acknowledged also that the conditions of the time have an important part to play in determining the feasibility of any particular type of exchange rate system .
12 It must be deployed also on the hitherto comparatively neglected first four years of the reign , that brief part of her life which is the only one which can be considered in any way typical for a reigning monarch .
13 Full allowance must be made also for the costs of the liquidation ( to be distinguished from the costs of realising the assets ) .
14 He must be encouraged also to think about the justification , if any , for separating his subject from , say , physics or biology or biochemistry .
15 We might be tempted also to say that other benefits of depreciation accounting would ensue , such as producing a charge in revenue accounts for the use of assets , rather than as at present for the financing of assets .
16 Sir Brynmor Jones said jocularly : " The teacher who can be replaced by a teaching machine or any audio-visual aid deserves to be ( 1968 : 281 ) and this might be thought also to be true of replacement by ancillaries .
17 It could be argued also that the nuclear family has facilitated the improvement of women 's status within the home .
18 Results plotted according to the WLF equation could be predicted also from the molecular kinetic equation and show that the two approaches are compatible .
19 I certainly Mr Chairman welcome this paper erm and I know today that I think possibly the main reason being erm , I could be deemed also been through and through today responding to our local issue and that maybe due to May fever , I do n't know , erm , in really accepting acknowledging as I have done in the past your efforts , erm the county surveyor 's efforts for this part of Suffolk I do again bring to your attention and I do n't think is being critical in that the Barnet by bypass is part of a far bigger jigsaw and that jigsaw I say not
20 It may be rejected also on the grounds that it is patronizing .
21 It may be noticed also , first , that no actual misrepresentation seems to have been made by Duval to his wife , notwithstanding that he had concealed from her material facts and , second , that the pressure he exerted on her to persuade her to sign does not seem to have been excessively overbearing or to have been accompanied by the threats or false promises or intimidation that are sometimes the hall marks of undue influence .
22 The simulator may be used also for research into the factors which affect the user-friendliness of man-machine systems .
23 Green was evidently helping to sell it for Yates in Manchester , as Harrop 's Mercury , December 12th 1787 , p.1906 says , ‘ subscribers may be supplied also by Mr. Green , Manchester , who was an assistant in this work ’ .
24 Limits may be set also by deficiencies of nitrogen and other key minerals in the soils .
25 I would be employed also by the WEA and as a Trade Union lecturer ( which , as far as I know , I still am ) .
26 Do I take it to mean that when we come to discuss erm a particular road issue that would be take also to include impact upon the highway network in the area ?
27 Applying those considerations to the present case , their Lordships are of the view that since the plaintiff was well aware that the defendants would be acting also for other vendors of comparable properties and in so doing would receive confidential information from those other vendors , the agency contract between the plaintiff and the defendants can not have included either ( a ) a term requiring the defendants to disclose such confidential information to the plaintiff or ( b ) a term precluding the defendants acting for rival vendors or ( c ) a term precluding the defendants from seeking to earn commission on the sale of the property of a rival vendor .
28 On June 21 the Polisario Front reacted strongly — with a threat of future resumption of hostilities — to an announcement by the Moroccan government that Morocco 's forthcoming local and general elections would be held also in the Western Sahara .
29 Christ had entrusted the government of His Church to St Peter and his successors in the words , " Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church " ( Matthew 16 : 18 ) and " I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth , it shall be bound also in heaven " ( Matthew 16 : 19 ) .
30 But like Parry , Sky see no real problem , and yesterday gave a full-blown London premier to the 90-second commercial which will be seen also on ITV .
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