Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] down to " in BNC.

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1 Well that would be welcome but it 's fine , and it should be down to me to do it , but you are all welcome .
2 ‘ I think we should be down to 1min 15secs or below . ’
3 Of course , some of the LSE II 's bass response must be down to the rosewood back and sides ; the chances are the mahogany version would be toppier-sounding , but both would make equally top-notch recording guitars .
4 Much of that must be down to erstwhile Spector/Young arranger Jack Nitsche .
5 The only surprising thing about Hooker 's hit-single spawning album is that , after all these years , he can render the title track in a fashion that 's unbelievably fresh , though some of the credit for this particular achievement must be down to guitarist Jimmie Vaughan , who delivers an array of licks in a manner that must have Stevie Ray beaming way up in plectrum heaven .
6 It must be down to the record companies .
7 And therefore in a sense , it might be down to departmental management that it was n't something that the suggestion system should encompass .
8 One day soon I will rip its beak off and glue it onto the end of my own fine aquiline conk , and , secure in my new disguise , I 'll be down to the Inland Revenue Enforcement ( B ) in Barrington Road and scrabbling frantically at my tax inspector 's trousers ( I may be wrong , but I picture them as that specially rich shade of brown polyester-and-worsted that only Dunn & Co can achieve ) before you can say , ‘ Well , what 's got into you , dearie ? ’
9 ‘ You see , if she fails , it 'll be down to Jeff — and you . ’
10 Most international staff in Sarajevo would be evacuated because the risks of staying on were too great , Mr Land said , adding : ‘ We 'll be down to a skeleton staff by the weekend . ’
11 Most international staff in Sarajevo would be evacuated because the risks of staying on were too great , Mr Land said , adding : ‘ We 'll be down to a skeleton staff by the weekend . ’
12 There are twenty six er coal-fired power stations now , I believe they 'll be down to ten within the next three years , and I think in the electricity generating industry another ten thousand jobs could go .
13 Mr Wendt 's take-home pay could be down to £828,345 against £1.1 million under the Tories .
14 It would probably carry on like this for at least another hour , and then the first of the departures would begin ; the ones with an early start in the morning , the ones with teenaged babysitters , the ones who rarely went out anyway … an hour after that they 'd be down to the hard core , and an hour after that it would just be a case of guiding out those last drunks who were too far-gone to find the door .
15 The US and USSR may be down to 20 or 30 centimetres .
16 Previously I 've written songs about all these other subjects which personally affect me , but now I 'm thirtysomething and it may be down to a need to find out about and rationalise my environment , but these songs about Wales seem to be appearing . ’
17 The disconcerting ‘ first-disk ’ string sound may be down to miking difficulties ; likewise the booming timpani and overly forward woodwind , and these things do not make for comfortable listening .
18 At the same time , interest rates were reduced , the supply of money was relaxed , and the National Bank forecast that by the end of the year the annual rate of inflation would be down to 55 per cent .
19 I drove it both times in similar test conditions , so any change would be down to the car .
20 Any rethink by the NRA would be down to the persistence of the members , he said .
21 But no allegations would be made against any individuals , and it would be down to each authority to decide whether to make inquiries with Leicestershire police or social services .
22 ‘ But it would be down to my ankles !
23 On this the spokesman said , ‘ the Vulcan will no be flown any more ’ adding , ‘ it would be down to an acceptable purchaser to arrange for any ferrying . ’
24 If erm things should start to go wrong and the chap on the floor erm was to make any movement or s sudden movement towards either P C or any other piece of equipment in the room which may cause injury or damage to ourselves or himself , it would be down to me to challenge that man er and allow P C to get back behind er the ballistic shield .
25 Although it was announced last November that the awards would be down to 1.5 per cent , that did not stop politicians and union leaders from condemning the Government 's action .
26 It was plain that these would be down to nil — or worse . ’
27 We shall be down to 80 per cent .
28 Some 1,400 new vehicles have been added to the fleet to replace much older stock , and by next year the average age of vehicles will be down to seven years .
29 The 2,250 people employed two years ago have been cut to about 1,000 , of whom 300 are on ‘ short-time working with nil hours ’ ; the workforce will be down to 600 by December .
30 Shoes now priced at £56.95 will be £26.95 , others at £72.95 will be down to £32.95 .
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