Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] used [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The issue of clothing is crucial to the debate , although critics question whether such dangerous chemicals should be used under any conditions .
2 All default settings should be used except the database size parameter .
3 Body brushes should be used on dry skin and can help stimulate the circulation , bringing blood flow to the surface and stimulating the lymph system which rids the body of toxins .
4 Mort Shapiro recommends : that firms take their time , since undue haste could diminish performance ; that every stage should be documented ; that accurate language should be used on all occasions ; and that auditors stick to their checklists and deviate at their peril .
5 But when he insisted that the same warnings should be used on advertisements , and be bigger than at present , he got them furious .
6 She sucked again from the tea-bulb , feeling its plastic smoothness dent as it emptied , knowing it came from a floating colony like she did but not knowing why it should be used on a steady-gravity planet like Mars .
7 To trim the sail , the jib car should be used on the inside track and the clew trimmed back to the shrouds .
8 ‘ If any finance was provided to insulate property it should be used on a priority basis to meet the most pressing needs . ’
9 So too wealth should be used as a means to good ends , but never be sought or enjoyed for its own sake .
10 All these responsibilities are implied in the National Curriculum proposals , and it is important to schools at any rate ( the DES Teacher Supply Branch seems to have different ideas ) that the salary and allowance structure should be used as a means of identifying and defining the whole-school curriculum imperatives with which they are faced .
11 Application forms ( or c.v.s if application forms are not available ) should be used as the basis for the candidate 's interview .
12 Should be used as an accent plant .
13 It was a shame , really , that she should be used as a butt , yet she did n't seem to mind ; in fact , he thought she enjoyed it .
14 The guidance emphasises that restraint should be used as a last resort within a caring and disciplined home environment .
15 The operating hours should be used as a guideline and are subject to change .
16 It was their intention that the natural language of the dictionary definitions should be used as the knowledge representation language , eliminating the need for hand-coding .
17 The SACHR felt it should be used as an incentive to good practice rather than as a weapon after an employer had been found guilty of a criminal offence ( discrimination ) .
18 The occupational health department should be used as a resource to those nurses who it is suspected may have a health or social problem .
19 These aims , it argued , should be used as criteria for determining the scope of the formal curriculum , which could further be expressed in terms of eight modes of activity : linguistic and library study ; mathematical studies ; scientific study ; social studies ; creative and aesthetic studies ; physical activity ; religious studies ; morality .
20 By paragraph 33 of the order it was provided that no such disclosure should be used as evidence in the prosecution of an offence alleged to have been committed by Mr. and Mrs. Tully .
21 The question is whether competition policy is seeking to raise the welfare of a particular economy , or whether it should be used as an instrument to promote economic efficiency at a supranational ( or even international ) level .
22 It should be used as a working tool , for example , to help improve profitability , increase sales , improve buying margin , reduce operating costs , and reduce the amount of working capital tied up .
23 Less easy for ( and possibly of less interest to ) preclinical staff is dealing with a case study for the new pathway ; such a case might start with the pharmacology of tetracyclines , pass through their therapeutic use in general , and end on a debate about whether oxytetracycline should be used as prophylaxis for traveller 's diarrhoea in Mexico .
24 The Department of Health is also keen that this formula should be used as the basis for sub-regional distribution .
25 Tom proposed that two of these should be used as studs , or servers ; there were five women who were to be brood mares for the plantation .
26 It should be used as a platform from which to explore the different modes that he suggests of lessening the short-run myopia .
27 A block should be used as a deflection , not as a head-on challenge to an oncoming technique .
28 Hence it is appropriate that the recitals should be used as an aid to interpretation not only by the European Court itself , but by any court dealing with the interpretation of a Community legal text , for example a British court or tribunal of any level .
29 In James ' opinion the party should be used as the instrument to build and consolidate ‘ the mass party ’ .
30 2 An Insight into How Computers Should Be Used as a Decision Support Tool for Management
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