Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] if [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For some calls they wear plain clothes , but mostly work is done in uniform , as it must be if neighbourhood policing is to work .
2 ‘ Which there might be if Eileen Harman decided to make an issue of it . ’
3 Accountants Coopers & Lybrand yesterday spelled out just how inflationary Labour 's tax plans could be if employers try to preserve their top staff 's living standards .
4 It follows that attempting to reduce error rates by one person checking another 's performance or automatically comparing the output of the individuals simultaneously performing the same task is not as effective as it would be if errors in the sources were independent ( Chapanis et al . ,
5 Melanie tried to grasp how dreadful it would be if Finn were dead but she could not think coherently because of the terrible sound of Aunt Margaret 's silence .
6 It was not possible to indicate what the premium would be if cover were to be provided automatically , because the BMIF was a separate body and was not prepared to consider this .
7 ‘ I would be if Kate were happy . ’
8 Some of my advisers think the simplest solution would be if Tweed never came back . ’
9 I would like to go further , however , and suggest that the best outcome would be if discretion over monetary policy were removed altogether from the hands of the Treasury and the Bank of England and legislated by Parliament in terms of a monetary rule .
10 What would distress me would be if Scotland were not able in such a process to express democratically her own voice and her own vision of the European future and of the future of Scotland in Europe .
11 Many a godly Jew must have felt what a wonderful thing it would be if Moses ' longing could be fulfilled , ‘ Would that all the Lord 's people were prophets , that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them ’ ( Num. 11:29 ) : and that is just what the prophets were led by God to foretell for the last days .
12 She felt the only possible solution to the situation would be if Liza were to marry again ; but with the girl 's precarious mental state and lack of contact with the outside world , this hardly seemed likely .
13 Think what a different world it would be if Anthony Cheetham had done that instead of starting Century .
14 The price of such goods is less than it would be if producers had to take account of the external costs associated with the production of the good .
15 If indeed , therefore , this land performs a significant function with regard to the character of Skelton , one should have regard to what the effect on that character would be if development were , development of any kind .
16 Not only are astronomy and chemistry reducible to physics ; but also biology is — or would be if physicists put any effort into making it so :
17 ‘ Well , it would be if David were here , ’ replied Sybil .
18 These observations on human language learning , coupled with evolutionary speculations make one realise just what a formidable accomplishment it would be if apes could be taught the use of a communication system remotely approximating a natural language in creativity , recursiveness , and the extreme conventionality revealed in such matters as reference to spatio-temporally remote items or counterfactual conditionalising or universal generalisation about an unsurveyed domain .
19 The most unsatisfactory outcome of LMS in this context would be if schools felt obliged to return to the traditional concept , so inimical to professional and curricular development , of there being just two professional roles in primary schools , those of class teacher and head , each confined to and jealously defending his or her territory .
20 Does ‘ business as usual ’ make the trade-off between guns and butter easier than it would be if embargoes were more comprehensive and controls more strict ?
21 The worst scenario for Nicky , I imagined , would be if Enya suddenly fell in love with another producer .
22 And if you look at the professions where women predominate , for example primary teaching and to some measure secondary teaching as well , and in nursing , erm we know that they 're underpaid professions , and I think that if you look at most of the work where women are predominant you 'll find that the pay is less than it would be if men were doing it erm
23 ‘ What would cause horror would be if chloroform or dichloromethane were added to the protocol .
24 What a peaceful world it would be if religion could be banished completely .
25 In the absence of keen pricing from the Japanese , the competitive element in the UK market is reduced and therefore car prices are generally higher than they would be if market forces were allowed to operate freely .
26 The examples from the Questor data management system were designed to demonstrate just how simple computing can be if users take advantage of the powerful software that is available .
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