Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] see [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Having come to the village with certain expectations they may only see what they expect to find and , since the local working population has long been used to avoiding overt conflict in the face of those who have the capacity to create trouble for them , the superficial calm of village life may remain .
2 Alternatively , he may suddenly see something out of the corner of his eye which makes him jump sideways very quickly , so giving the rider little chance to take avoiding action .
3 It should be noted that , despite the historical primacy of arithmetic calculation as the raison d'etre for computers , we ought perhaps to see them instead as symbol-processing devices .
4 But if only now is it God 's intention that they also be admitted to orders , women must necessarily see themselves as some kind of secondary citizens .
5 " You should just see her , you ca n't imagine , you would have to see her to know why she chose it , " and all the time , as she spoke , some more assured , sophisticated account underran her words , silently , in her own mind , an account by some other girl , some girl who could wear such garments , and laugh at them , and explain them , and not suffer — some girl so far above such things that nothing could pull her down .
6 ‘ You should just see your face , ’ he said when the paroxysm had passed .
7 There is only one road over the mountains and down to the desert , so it was stupid to assume — as I had done , without really thinking about it — that we should not see them again .
8 ‘ Just as you like , ’ said Burden , turning his face away so that Wexford should not see him smile .
9 But perhaps Gabriel and Boldwood were right , and she should not see him again ?
10 It is likewise important that those who make use of media such as the audiocassette or videocassette should not see themselves as mere consumers .
11 She kept the money hidden in 22 , Church Row so that her husband should not see it . ’
12 I turned away , I remember , so that Enid should not see my face , and thought of his arms holding me , and his hands in my hair and his mouth … oh , such a melting , a melting in my stomach .
13 No one must ever see it again .
14 I wondered if I should ever see them again .
15 To grasp the meaning of a handshake we must not only see it positively as located in a greeting ceremonial , that is in a sequence of actions identified with respect to the social act they accomplish , but we must also see it negatively , as excluding certain alternatives and possibilities of action .
16 Individuals must now see their personal role as increasingly important in dealing with global issues .
17 Och man I cin jist see it .
18 She thought that she was a goner : that he must surely see her .
19 He must n't see me cry .
20 There were only a few spots of blood and all I could think about was how Mum must n't see them .
21 ‘ You must n't see what we 're doing , ’ said Phyllis .
22 ‘ You must n't see it like that ! ’
23 I always intended to visit him after the war , but you know how it is : things were difficult , I was confoundedly busy at the University , I did n't particularly want to see Viola again though you 've got to swallow the pill with the jam , have n't you , and there was no particular reason why I should n't see her again .
24 ‘ You 're beginning to make me wonder why I should n't see her , ’ he said blandly .
25 Andrew felt his heart turn over and looked back at the view so that she should n't see what she was doing to him .
26 ‘ They 're lovely , Rob , ’ she murmured , moving away so that he should n't see her weakness , and forcing herself to say , ‘ Luke told me that the party was a huge success .
27 It 's going to be a constant struggle and it 's going to start at the grassroots and we should n't see anybody 's experience as not worthwhile .
28 I felt as if a huge gap had appeared in my existence , because one who had always been there was there no longer , and I should never see him again .
29 It was buried in the garden with all due ceremony , and all I knew or felt at the time was grief that I should never see my beloved pet again .
30 No offence to Mr Bill Jordan , Mr John Edmonds and Mr Bill Morris , but if Labour is ever to win , the voters must never see their faces again .
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