Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] for " in BNC.

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1 I understand that at the GATT negotiations , for example , we may eventually settle for a 30 per cent .
2 If au else fails , a sector which is being undermined by imports may successfully apply for exemption from restrictions on the formation of a cartel to enable the decline of the sector to proceed in an orderly manner .
3 cor this is a bit ugh ah let's all clap for Neil , er , er what 's he gon na do go off and have a boxing match ?
4 At first , this effect may only last for half an hour but , as you have more lessons , these feelings of lightness , balance and general ease within your body will extend for longer and longer periods .
5 The Army has similar powers of arrest under section 14 of the Act , but detention may only last for up to 4 hours .
6 For one reason , space is almost a vacuum , so that molecules erm are few and far between , and one thing about chemistry it is really the science of not particularly molecules but molecules that react with one another , but here once one has got a molecule in space it does n't actually meet another one for a very long time , so even a molecule that is reactive and which may only last for maybe a microsecond in the laboratory , interstellar space it may last for a thousand years .
7 If you hold a full Great Britain licence but are currently disqualified in GB you may only apply for a provisional licence .
8 Any actuarial calculation must therefore be discounted to allow for the chance that he may only live for a shorter period .
9 A problem may obviously arise for the builder where the nominated supplier makes deliveries late in the month and the relevant invoices are not available at the date of the valuation .
10 Returning now to our basic theory , we see that the extension of Freud 's monotraumatic theory of human social evolution to a polytraumatic one allows us to discern in human cultural evolution a pattern which , if it should prove to be real , may perhaps represent for the human sciences something like the revolution introduced into the physical sciences by Copernicus , Kepler and Galileo .
11 A similar mechanism may perhaps account for the fact that some group-living animals drive sick or injured individuals out of the group .
12 A representative chosen by the people of a particular constituency should presumably speak for that constituency .
13 Kicked out of Footsie , Tarmac is trailing the class acts in building materials badly and must secretly wish for a German recession to unseat Redland and RMC from their pedestals .
14 Sec. should rather arrange for a pattern of feedback that will keep him continuously informed of actions taken .
15 Thus , in the case of the Roman hoards of the late third century , we should perhaps look for some other explanation .
16 Ellen wondered if she should perhaps look for a replacement , but put it off .
17 ‘ I should perhaps wait for some more romantic hour . ’
18 It occurred to me that I should perhaps wait for my daughter Sophie outside her school , to make sure she understood that I had not abandoned her , had merely left Lou for a man who loved me and would make me happy ; that things would presently calm down , and as soon as Hugo and I had sorted things out a little and established our new home she could join us .
19 I should perhaps add for completeness sake that it was urged upon your Lordships that there was always a possibility of a leak to the prosecuting authorities of incriminating information disclosed by the defendants as a result of complying with the order and use being made , innocently , by the prosecution of such information , which , ex hypothesi , they had not themselves acquired .
20 We work on the principle that you should only pay for the services you need .
21 However campers should only stay for a night or two , be unobtrusive and sensitive to wildlife , and leave no litter .
22 Powerful software should only ask for information it needs .
23 A charity such as ours must constantly strive for greater efficiency , to put every penny of your subscription to good use .
24 I reckon we should all vote for Mr Bean !
25 And his will was that the slave , the young man who was scarcely more than a boy , should somehow die for his brief moment of rebellion .
26 Ruskin argued that art must not exist for itself , but for its subject , nature — ‘ All Great Art is Praise ’ — and to express and enhance society , so that a worthless society could produce only worthless art , and vice versa .
27 Aloud , she said , ‘ Of course , but you must not hope for too much , ’ and made her escape .
28 A process so hedged about with medical mystery and old wives ' tales that no man was allowed to share in it now became an experience he must not miss for the world .
29 must not proceed for a private customer with any one packaged product if it is aware of another packaged product on the market which will meet the customer 's requirements better ; and
30 must not proceed for a private customer with a packaged product of , or arranged by , any person with whom the firm has a connection unless the firm believes on reasonable grounds that the product will meet the customer 's requirements better than any other packaged product on the market .
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