Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] [be] " in BNC.

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1 R.R. Darlington stressed that the ecclesiastical content of several tenth-century law codes suggests that they originated as the canons of synods. Æthelstan 's first code , for example , and his Ordinance on Charities , both say that they were framed on the advice of Archbishop Wulfhelm of Canterbury and other bishops , and the text known as I Edmund appears from its prologue to be a set of decisions taken purely by the ecclesiastical wing of the witan ( royal council ) ; they may eventually have been issued as a royal decree , but that I Edmund in its surviving form is something other than this is implied by the fifth chapter , which exhorts the king to put churches in order .
2 The clumps and individual Lees we see today may only have been planted in the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries as part of the general landscape revival , on the apparent whim of an individual farmer , but some clumps may have survived better than others because the energies were right , and this may have enabled some of them to have had a continued existence from more distant times .
3 It may be asked why it was necessary to go to the trouble of carving a model which by all accounts may only have been used once , when the same procedure , in fine day would produce a mould directly .
4 This in turn suggests that class politics of the old sort may only have been the politics of modernism in its classic , now discredited phase .
5 And there may only have been one clock in the town where they worked and that would have been on the town hall or the church .
6 It may only have been the milestone of hitting thirty , but I could n't help feeling that it was proof that life was passing me by .
7 As for boffin , although the Oxford English Dictionary states that its etymology is unknown , I have conjectured that this same purist Huxley may inadvertently have been responsible for it .
8 Some of these functions are best performed by University Institutes , some by a Curriculum Development Centre , some by a Curriculum Planning Unit and it is therefore possible that functions which may hitherto have been seen as either wholly performed by this body or that may increasingly be undertaken in partnership .
9 It may perhaps have been valid in the past to dichotomize theoretical stances into endogenous ( formulated in terms of what is natural to humans ) and exogenous ( formulated in terms of sociocultural factors ) ( Heelas 1983 ) ; but many biologists today think that there is a built-in capacity for change through learning capable of giving directive impulses for change .
10 It has even been darkly insinuated by Paolucci ( in Beccaria , 1963 ) that he may merely have been used as a front by his radical friends , the Verri brothers , who were too much in trouble with the authorities at the time to risk writing it themselves
11 Later that week we were given a first indication that the previous three ‘ greenhouse ’ winters may merely have been within the normal climatic variations and that a better season may be on its way , when the first Pitztal race was cancelled due to extreme cold !
12 Heminge may merely have been indicating that The Winter 's Tale was unlikely to prove controversial to a censor in whatever version it was performed .
13 In their view the Commission were giving Article 100A an unduly wide construction and were using it for proposals which should properly have been based on some alternative Article of the EEC Treaty , such as Article 100 or Article 235 , which required unanimity in the Council .
14 In Act 4 the theatre score and the quarto are in total agreement : the only problem is the blank space left in the score for the Dance of the Four Seasons , which we must regretfully conclude is lost .
15 John Major must secretly have been pleased at the way last week 's royal shocker deflected attention from the summit — the rest of us were just pleased to avoid being bored to death by this most tedious of Edinburgh festivals .
16 Jos had said there was a window , but it must since have been curtained .
17 Guy Sterne must presumably have been a last-ditch contact .
18 The man must obviously have been armed to have kidnapped two adults single-handed but she did n't say so .
19 Mama was rehearsing , that was all ; but it should perhaps have been kept for some other time .
20 The first four should perhaps have been Giants , although the number of good female reads is a bit too heavy in April .
21 To counter these claims he tempers the language slightly : ‘ The article should perhaps have been entitled the ‘ implications ’ rather than the consequences of literacy . ’
22 This suggests that Lotka 's Law has limitations at the extremes , but since the Law is related to Normal Distribution statistics , this should perhaps have been expected .
23 This suggests that Lotka 's Law has limitations at the extremes , but since the Law is related to Normal Distribution statistics , this should perhaps have been expected .
24 They should perhaps have been higher on the agenda than appears to have been the case .
25 The decision to carry out a Caesarian section should perhaps have been taken after the 4.30pm examination when the heartbeat was known to have decelerated , he said .
26 If I ran home , I should only have been sent straight back , in even deeper disgrace .
27 Even so , she felt sure that it was something to do with her , that there should only have been the Maxwell girl there .
28 The government 's Countryside Commission argued that the licence should only have been renewed for a few years during a thorough review of military land requirements .
29 For Jesus to have been accepted as the Messiah , he must necessarily have been prepared to wield the liberator 's sword .
30 ‘ You must only have been infatuated with him if you 've got over him so quickly , ’ remarked Betty repressively .
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