Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 UK paperbackers argue that the implications of Books Etc 's complaint could mean no less than that UK paperbackers should effectively hand over the continental market to the Americans .
2 After this he wound up by attacking Anglo-Catholics and ‘ Nonconformist ritualism ’ : why , he asked , should only ministers with their ‘ little May meeting bag ’ administer the Lord 's Supper : why not any Christian man or woman ?
3 Thou Shalt Not Spy on thy Mother 's Old Schoolfriends Parading around in the Nude .
4 And we should just sort of say what is necessary to find out and everybody gets a few telephone numbers or telephone calls check out addresses find out about new ones , get in contact with the district council erm what is in the pipeline .
5 The motion goes on to say that sponsored MPs should not pair with erm Conservatives .
6 Sewed my lips with hexes so I should not blaspheme against their godling …
7 But he added : ‘ Should further violations of the no-fly zone occur , the resolution requires all necessary measures to be taken to secure compliance .
8 Should n't people of all races and nationalities be welcomed by a caring country ? ’
9 Question 7 Should late delivery of an accountant 's report automatically be followed by an inspection visit in the case of sole practitioners ; or all practices ?
10 We must again resort to a series of small steps , this time arranged sequentially in time .
11 he said impatiently to Burt , describing the impossibility of dealing with such turncoats , ‘ they were determined that people like me should never comc into our own .
12 The counsellor should never resort to the giving of advice .
13 We must therefore resort to more indirect methods , such as the variation with time of copper-alloy composition or technology of production .
14 To complicate the issue , the American government may soon hand over responsibility for operating the weather craft to private industry instead ( New Scientist , 17 March , p 706 ) .
15 What it is le let's just sort of get things , as I say in a new build situation if you were having a new house built
16 Let's just book into a hotel . ’
17 The seller may physically hand over the goods .
18 You may just sort of er form a picture in your mind just sit there and lip read sort of concentrate .
19 Erm , what I 'll also do , we 'll only sort of talk for about twenty five minutes , about the essay , and then we 'll look at sh writing short answers er , for the exam ,
20 In other words , might not loyalty in large companies be bought by promises of job security ?
21 ‘ I think I 'll just kind of duck down in your pocket if that 's OK , chief .
22 I 've already put in our comments in writing on this to Chris and I 'll just sort of draw some of them save me repeating them .
23 Erm I 'll just sort of er talk briefly about sort of main trends and , and sort of output and orders and so on and then go through in terms of some of the implications that results as regards to employment and domestic crisis .
24 And they 've got ta try and walk backwards I 'll just sort of go whoop !
25 Right , this is an extremely good slide , I did take this myself , erm of the actual dress of the eighteen forties , I 'll just sort of point out its components .
26 A broad-beamed fellow like myself should have no difficulty careering it across the ironing board , although a woman or even a bachelor-wimp might sooner resort to an old-fashioned metal iron than attempt to put this monster through its paces .
27 Could we just go on to twenty one and we might just sort of stop this part of the lesson there .
28 I bet she 'll probably side with you .
29 The movement that began with Greek sculpture rapidly added other new areas of study to the familiar territories of language and literature , issuing in a serious concern not simply with " the classics " , but with ancient civilization in all its aspects : aspects that might well centre on the " facts " of ancient life , its physical relics , its customs and institutions : all of which to be summed up in the German word Realien .
30 Villages and towns might occasionally war with each other , but the fundamental basis of life was local .
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