Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Some of these areas may become blurred , he feels : for example , one feature of complementary medicine that patients may prefer is simply the longer consultations that its practitioners tend to give .
2 Students are often left to muddle along ; the help they may need is not forthcoming , even in tutorials .
3 Sometimes one fact or figure that you may need is not defined : you are expected to know it .
4 That 's all that sherry you had last night I should think is n't it ?
5 She always wanted him to tell her where he came from because she said , as she had said to Creggan on his first night , that for an eagle to survive the first thing he must know is where he comes from , and he must not forget his memories however distant they may be .
6 What you should know is how much tempo passes overall in one certain phrase , and this is the most important thing .
7 They can , what you should do is just drop the ladder in out , in the inside that 's all .
8 ‘ What you should do is simply stand on your feet and make sure you do n't commit yourself .
9 The rate of capillary movement in very fine pores is , however , so slow that the theoretical equilibrium height over which capillary rise should occur is rarely attained in such cases .
10 Therefore , the choice the Labour Party must face is either to transform its structure into a membership party of an equal democratic form , separate from ( but maintaining informal association with ) the trades unions , or to be stifled by its history , losing what may be the last opportunity to become a party of regeneration and progress .
11 The first question you must decide is where the pedagogical grammar is to be used .
12 Also the way in which he decides whether MD should die is very flippant .
13 That 's the sort of thing we should have is n't it .
14 The actual form that hospital provision should take is very much a controversial issue .
15 The formula for calculating how much additional pension based on your earnings you should get is fairly complicated , and the present formula will change in the future .
16 But Aunty Carole says he should notice is n't he ?
17 What we should notice is how , once again , an argument used against the right has now reappeared in distorted form to haunt the left .
18 But it can be difficult to ascertain whether exchange rate pressure is temporary or permanent in nature ; consequently the decision when and to what degree the central monetary authority should intervene is largely a matter of judgement .
19 The ‘ walking/running speed ’ at which vehicles must travel is variously interpreted as up to 20 km/h , but evidence from early shared-space streets showed that this is exceeded by 85 per cent of the vehicles .
20 But the question we must ask is why so many British workers are getting a two-week break when other European workers are making do with just three days ' holiday .
21 The question we must ask is why the real story has not been given ?
22 As I have already indicated , the critical question we must ask is how we may design selection procedures which encourage sensible teaching and learning .
23 Thus the pressure , both inner and outer , on teachers to have a clear , articulate rationale for what they are doing is high at the same time as the exploration of the values from which such a rationale must derive is conspicuously out of style .
24 The argument over where control should reside is often based upon the criterion that an evaluation should be capable of suggesting appropriate remedies .
25 The question I think we should ask is not , ‘ Is violence learnt or innate ? ’ , but rather , ‘ What are the ideological constructs that encourage violent or peaceful behaviour and make it meaningful and proper ? ’ , and the closely related one , ‘ What do the behaviour patterns mean to the participants ? ’
26 Warm things are said in the flush of the campaign but now that it 's over the first question the Tories should ask is how it would look to the country if a victorious party launched into a frontal assault on the BBC in the wake of its victory .
27 ‘ One thing they 'll think is really weird .
28 this is a structural change , what you could do or the easiest thing would be to do was just to incorporate a dummy variable , right , if you incorporated a dummy variable to a erm and to explain the and to take out the effect of structural change , right , er in that dummy inclusive model , right , all the diagnostic test statistics were okay , right , you would use , you would , therefore , use that , that particular model what we might do is just see if that is the case erm so if you come out of er diagnostics , work towards the data processing environment and generate a dummy variable right , so if you go into the erm data processing environment if it 's in the er sort of process plot option what we 'll do create a dummy variable call it D and let D pull zero press the return key and then edit D oh and if you just set erm observations for
29 Well what I might do is just put one soap in each cos it
30 Erm so erm what I 'll do is just indicate the amounts as they stand .
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