Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] there were " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I should think there were !
2 Erm of which were there were many in those days er , not so many today of course but er er ooh I should say there were probably on Vale which was our nearest sort of shopping area to where we lived , there were probably two or three erm shoe repairers , including , and you could go and buy leather there .
3 You 'd think there were n't enough caddies to choose from over here . ’
4 They look at Riva , she looks at them ; everybody blushes so hard you 'd think there were roses round the cottage door .
5 He could see there were no cheques , alas .
6 For as far as she could see there were no secret , unsafe corners .
7 Well they 'd see there were problems , you see , faith does n't mean that everything just happens , because faith has got ta do something , faith without works is dead .
8 And as far as Greg could judge there were a great many writers who had found a place in the book who were quite as obscure or more so — poets whose flame had died with the end of the war , one-off playwrights whose experimental verse dramas had caused no more than a ripple of interest even in their own time .
9 Wh what , well , I , I would n't say just looking similar , I would say additionally looking , but , but in the , in the early days the erm , and I 'll be saying something about this in the , in the lectures , bu but just briefly , that you could you could say there were phases in psychoanalysis , the early days , before both of us were born you were here , the , the aim when the method was , the aim was to release the unconscious , bring it to the surface , and that was regarded as more or less enough .
10 Now you take all those , take Street and Street , they were all very respectable people and er I do n't think you could say there were any slums about at all as far as I can remember .
11 I do n't know ho certainly I know there had been at least two peo different lots of people living in ours before we moved in , and I would think there were probably more than that .
12 The basic tax would assume there were two or more in each household .
13 She only needed an evening gown like the one Dana wore in the magazine picture and no one would believe there were two of them .
14 I would say there were more men in important jobs in here than there is
15 I mean from rig to rig things work differently and I mean on on Piper , I would say there were probably things that could have been tightened up but then again I do n't think they were part and parcel of what happened and there on July the sixth .
16 And everybody Oh I can remember there were forty between forty and fifty j what we called servant girls at the at the different in the island .
17 So you can bet there were raised eyebrows and knowing smiles when long-haired Moores hit the headlines recently after launching an amazing tirade on a Merseyside pressman in front of shocked hosts at Ipswich .
18 As far as I can tell there were cells in London , Edinburgh and Oxford as well as here in Dublin . ’
19 As far as I can recall there were no unfortunate incidents involving animals in Baldersdale .
20 As you can imagine there were a lot of champagne bottles opened that night , but perhaps the most pleasurable glass of all came the next morning from the bottle in Peter Wycherley 's office at the headquarters of Dunlop Slazenger who are my main sponsors .
21 " As far as we can determine there were three men , two with clubs who did the beating and one other , " Tom Rooney said quietly .
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