Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But , although in its twisting and turning a line may circumscribe an area and even a volume , it is not a description or an experience of them .
2 The rash may take one of several forms — it may mimic a host of rare and not so rare skin conditions .
3 But then again , how is the individual management to know if it happens to be one of those which ought to acknowledge a responsibility to maintain or lower prices , or whether it is one of the lucky ones which can be let off that responsibility ?
4 ‘ I think we ought to circulate a bit , do n't you ? ’
5 We may construct a table for such definitions ( Table 1 ) .
6 Government legislation and economic policy may affect a firm 's pricing and credit policy and often there are regulations concerning products , promotions , etc .
7 As can be seen from the tables , just about anything may affect a symptom .
8 Now , let's think a bit about this mud . ’
9 Let's think a bit more about the man himself .
10 This may facilitate a return from the ahistorical concerns of psychology and linguistics , where analysis of the object threatens to remain fetishistic , to the world of social action where such analysis is reintegrated into cultural studies .
11 Third , compliance with regulatory rules or the regulator 's directions may facilitate a finding that there has not been " unreasonable " or " unfair " conduct .
12 The recipient may experience a variety of sensations .
13 As the fun of the YCs recedes into the distance , to be replaced by the disappointing seriousness of ordinary life , the not-so-young Conservative may experience a conflict between the philosophy of ambition and unrealized hopes .
14 A few individuals may experience a body and arm rash when taking this herb , particularly if other chemical drugs have also been prescribed .
15 She may experience a crisis of disbelief in her religious faith , or direct her anger towards the medical or nursing staff who cared for her husband , for failing to save his life ; or she may blame family or friends and have feelings of guilt and anger against herself for things that were done or not done during his lifetime .
16 When the last child leaves and she no longer has any daily parenting responsibilities , she may experience a crisis over the loss of status as mother , particularly if she has no other clearly defined role .
17 This being the case , provided patients realise that they may experience a bowel frequency of seven in 24 hours ( usually five stools in the day and one night time evacuation ) , the operation has unquestionably improved the wellbeing of most patients .
18 When a young child plays ‘ What time is it , Mr. Wolf ? ’ , she may experience a moment of panic when the ‘ Wolf ’ shouts , ‘ Dinner time ! ’ and chases her .
19 Building on Weber 's conception of ‘ status ’ and the way in which such social honour is differentially distributed between social groups , Gusfield notes that , at times of ( rapid ) social change , certain groups may experience an increase or loss of social honour .
20 Those who have regular access to private transport may find their social activities increasing , while the relatively immobile may experience an increase in their wishes to make social visits which can not readily be satisfied .
21 Let's eat a pile of sticky cakes in Florian 's . ’
22 At low levels of contamination , organochlorines such as PCBs may lower an animal 's resistance to infection , and can be the cause of mass deaths .
23 OME props ought to carry a warning .
24 ‘ Men like Luke Hunter ought to carry a government health warning , ’ she agreed .
25 An overall director of music may supervise an organist , a choir conductor and the leader of a music group .
26 More to the point is that the Discourse indicates the scientism of the period : it is taken for granted by the lecturer that Turner ought to paint a tree of a recognizable species , for example , and assumed that portrait painters are after an exact likeness .
27 Obviously positive inflation may remain a feature of this hypothetical economy even if it is operating at the natural unemployment rate ( i.e. owing to the persistence of inflationary expectations .
28 I do hope I may remain a member ?
29 For such domains separate dictionaries may remain a necessity .
30 If the purpose of the annexation be for the better enjoyment of the object itself , it may remain a chattel , notwithstanding a high degree of physical annexation .
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