Example sentences of "[vb mod] [prep] be like " in BNC.

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1 The children were deeply ashamed : ‘ He used to be like that when Luke was here , Rose ; only it was worse . ’
2 ‘ Yer never used to be like that till they came wi' their hot water and their olive oil — oil 's fer boilin' people not for washin' in . ’
3 Ribeira Brava used to be like a Wild West or oasis town where buses and cars stopped for the occupants to take advantage of coffee , drinks and food and to fill their vehicle with petrol before venturing into the ‘ Beyond ’ or the ‘ Outback ’ .
4 Of course it never used to be like this .
5 It used to be like a game of chess .
6 The menu was 600 francs , and while the food was very simple it reminded me of what Provençal restaurants used to be like in the days before even the most ordinary of Provençal dishes became a " speciality " listed on the menu as a supplement at 750 francs .
7 It never used to be like this before .
8 The point is , it never used to be like that in Scotland , Hogmanay was the main event , short and pagan and festive in a Scottish kind of way .
9 ‘ It used to be like that , but times have changed , ’ Harry argued .
10 And there used to be like a big bobbin there and you to and they used to go like that and chuck it up and try and catch it you know , and And we used to play shuttlecock and battledore .
11 And they used to be like ham .
12 Now er clay pipes , we used to dredge up and they got dredged up down opposite Pinmill , and they were a long pipe , but cos the , the stem a lot of them had been broken off and wh how they got down there nobody know , I think they used to be like in ballast with the ships , I think .
13 Well they used to be like er , used t as you used to braid your hair , they 'd braid a bit o rope and they 'd , they 'd make a sole out of that .
14 Oh goodness I do n't think , I think they stopped using them during the war and I cr see that used to be like the gasworks , the gasworks you always used to have clogs , they used to have wooden soles , did the gasworks and then they used to have erm like a steel bar underneath or round the sole
15 ‘ In the old times we hijras used to be like your zero zero seven .
16 She felt like screaming that she never used to be like that .
17 Museums in Edinburgh often have exhibitions on showing what life used to be like in Edinburgh .
18 There are some widespread and questionable assumptions in nearly all this literature as to what societies used to be like before the advent of industrialism and capitalism .
19 ‘ They did n't used to be like this .
20 Mm , what did erm the dentist and hospitals used to be like before the New Town was built ?
21 Amos , Seth and Mr Wilks used to be like the Yorkshire version of Three Stooges , but now it 's all arguments and impending family feuds .
22 What used to be like the Old Vic has become the vaudeville of Thatcherism Undone .
23 I know she used to be like that with me
24 You do n't want I used to be like that
25 I mean it only , it only used to be like the The Plough and and The Bath and er New Inn and
26 They used to be like that .
27 Never used to be like this , I do n't know why it is now
28 Laddie used to be like that did n't he ?
29 no listen right you should copy these cos when you 're like older you 're gon na want to erm listen to what you used to say and like what it used to be like and you 've got
30 where you know , well it never used to be like that .
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