Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [indef pn] to " in BNC.

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1 Also , you may want someone to be able to see base figures and a final result , but not the devious manipulations you have performed on the route twixt the two .
2 Mr Edwards , who examined Mrs Bates during her early pregnancy but was not on duty when she was admitted , said some deceleration in foetal heartbeat was not unusual , but it should alert one to possible dangers .
3 Erm I only want to say it is very important that we must do nothing to sort of prejudice the outcome of the consideration of the planning application environment cases sub committee , erm at a later erm stage .
4 However , the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 16 should bring everyone to their senses and give some light relief .
5 Reparation is the notion that people who have offended should do something to ‘ repair ’ the wrong they have done , and in so doing acknowledge the wrongness of their actions .
6 ‘ I must confess something to you , ’ he said .
7 We should mean something to each other , something more than animated objects , walking .
8 The explosion of the term ‘ regionalism ’ in this way should lead one to be suspicious of usages of it which slide from one focus of attention to another , eliding explanations in the meanwhile .
9 It is certainly Leapor 's most angry description of a father figure , and must owe something to her disagreements with her own father .
10 The testator is eager that his wife should leave nothing to her brother .
11 As landlords ' solicitors become ever wary that they should leave nothing to chance , the number of individual tenant 's covenants appear to be increasing with heavyweight commercial leases quite often having comfortably in excess of 30 covenants and not far short of 50 .
12 By the time Elizabeth arrived Lydia was prepared to welcome her , since any additional flavour must add something to the evening , which was like Betty 's meatless stock into which she kept putting more and more dried herbs and burned onion in an effort to make it taste of something .
13 An American Indian proverb cautions , ‘ One man should say nothing to another until he has walked in his moccasins . ’
14 I 'm wondering whether I should say anything to her about the police , and about the retired judge Jamieson being ‘ assaulted ’ , whatever that means .
15 I do n't think we should say anything to Stephen or Eileen or of course Terry until we know more .
16 ‘ It 's really in a very good cause and I 'll explain everything to you later when I get back .
17 It 's not very glamorous , I 'm afraid , but I 'll explain everything to you . ’
18 The new houses are pretty standard why do n't they convert them , you know , you guarantee if you use six rolls of wa wallpaper you 'll need one to seven , something silly like that
19 yeah but you 'll have one or two people more pro-active because the bulk of the job the three other people who will be there will be order-takers dealing with allocations and this sort of thing and you 'll need somebody to erm
20 Then the woman took a paper bag out and I thought she had some sweets and might give one to me .
21 Or it could be that they would be appropriate for the reception area in one of the factories , or we might give one to a distributor and say , here you are , this you know , put this in if you 've got the right sort of area and would like to use it for a bit , stick it in there .
22 Er perhaps it er perhaps it also prompts a greater fear of not being in control , a greater fear of of er not being in in some way in command of the situation because then somebody might do something to you .
23 Let's have a look at that white sheet first erm , quoits are done , I 'll do the pools after those shot , javelin , discus , low on darts , they 've ticked these so I hope to God they 're right well that Justin 'll do anything to be perfectly honest er I wish she , it makes it so difficult when you ca n't trust people .
24 To most of the people who used Parliament in this way — and probably to most of its members it was a complex political organism which , handled carefully , might produce something to their advantage .
25 I 'll take one to Kentish Town , and change to one that goes past my house .
26 But that 's the same as if you willed spouse had died before you for instance , and you were the second of two to die and she had n't or she might have everything to the children and you still got a hundred and sixty thousand pounds , you ca n't avoid the inheritance tax in those circumstances .
27 ‘ We rejoice that our brother has passed through the valley and is in the everlasting arms of the Saviour ’ might mean something to a Christian but it is difficult for anyone else to understand .
28 Last spring , when local authorities were rushing to finish community care plans , a report came out which showed they might mean nothing to many people .
29 Frank Sinatra , pacing the sound stage in his elevator shoes , explained they had all been up late the night before and that their performance might leave something to be desired .
30 Her hopes that he might leave something to chance and throw her the opportunity to make her own way back faded as she saw him lock up and pocket the key .
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