Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [indef pn] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Although our hatch was raised above the worktop , you may prefer one that 's level with it for full , easy reach of the area behind , then you 'll have no need for a shelf to stand things on .
2 That period is to all intents and purposes part of the sentence , and he ought to know everything that is said about him before it is fixed .
3 The crucial difference between economic growth and development , as I am using the term here , is that development may include everything that is already included in economic growth plus criteria of distribution of the social product and democratic politics .
4 Otherwise you may aggravate something that , with a little rest and good management , could have been no more than a minor injury .
5 It is Joan and Ted 's hope that even now someone may know something that can solve Brian 's murder .
6 Will my hon. Friend agree to tell the chairman of British Rail that he must do everything that he possibly can to improve the standard of service on that line for my constituents before 1995 ?
7 The illustrations must do something that the text has not done or that the text can not do : ‘ You must never illustrate exactly what is written .
8 The shadow cabinet has agreed that while Labour must oppose the Government on various aspects of the treaty , it should do nothing that would lead to its fall .
9 But it is one of our most valuable , and we should do everything that we can to support it .
10 If the Times wishes to have a go at a book , then at least the paper should choose one that is worthy of shot and shell .
11 Thou shalt do everything that the church says thou shalt not .
12 As I told Heather — But wait : you should see something that will add piquancy to a bald recital of what few facts are known . ’
13 ‘ Though if you should hear anything that might be — how shall I put this — um , useful I 'm sure your co-operation will be most favourably looked upon by the prison staff as a whole .
14 Obviously you need to appeal to the Regional Committee if as a branch you 're not happy , but this rule should n't need to be bent , we should have one that is ours to be used for branches , the General Secretary himself says that it 's happened on several occasions so let's be a real trade union , not one that borrows from Peter to pay Paul , let's have a proper rule for branches .
15 Again , you must have one that you like the smell of .
16 If I 'm to solve this wretched murder case I must have something that belonged to MacQuillan .
17 So y w feel free now to ask questions I mean , you must have something that worries you about about this partic I can only really talk about the exam .
18 It must mean something that she was here , thought Tug .
19 Yeah , I should get one that yeah page ten , it says return to your letter and essentially i it tells you all the various formatting options that you want to apply to your document to make it look neat and tidy .
20 As you work along the chambers , you should find one that is empty , which will tell you that the blockage is between that one and the previous full one .
21 Let's do one that might sound .
22 Give me ten years and I 'll make something that can do it in twenty . ’
23 Naturally you 'll want one that slots neatly into your kitchen and copes well with the food you want to cook , but before you part with your money , consider all the options and what features you 'll need .
24 You can buy phosphate test kits , but you 'll need one that measures down to 0.1ppm or below .
25 ‘ I 'll choose anyone that I can beat , ’ admitted Eubank .
26 I 'll do anything that you do and you do anything that I do . ’ ’
27 But she vowed : ‘ I 'll show everyone that even at my age you can be a good mother . ’
28 By the time the two week World Film Festival winds down at the beginning of September most of the cinephiles standing in the long queues at the box office have no idea what they 're waiting for ; they 'll watch anything that moves .
29 I might see something that has been missed . ’
30 when they , when the a the , when they do the sats then we 'll , we 'll have something that we can trust , wo n't we ?
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