Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [is] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The right hon. Gentleman follows such matters closely and he will be aware that the typical price of the major works that the national gallery must buy is several millions .
2 " What you must do is this : go back to the king and ask for three hundred barrels of wine and three hundred barrels of brandy .
3 What everybody must realize is this , the trade union movement is the meat on the Labour Party 's bones and without us the Party would be a skeleton , lost in a political wilderness .
4 Now the other thing we should remember is that between nineteen seventy eight and nineteen eighty two , certainly in the early nineteen eighties , eighty , eighty one , we were in the midst of a recession and so that should tell us that really people should have less money to spend on holidays .
5 What you must remember is that sexuality is as basic a consciousness as information . ’
6 But perhaps the moral we should draw is that criticism is not , and can not be , such a discipline ( though literary history is , or may be ) .
7 Whether it should breed is another matter .
8 Ah er the other item that we must mention is any extra plastic bags
9 One of the things I I I found it very difficult to start with I must admit is that to prejudge that people would or would not go in .
10 The role which the tutor should adopt is that of a sounding board for students ' ideas and suggestions .
11 ‘ About art and commercialism , ’ said Brian , ‘ what you should say is this : that advertising has developed into a valuable art-form and the big international companies are the art patrons of today , but instead of just keeping one artist the industry employs thousands of talented people . ’
12 The example we 'll consider is that of Mt Etna in 1971 .
13 Now , what we 'll do is this Erm Get into your table and put a decimal there , now you can choose , I do n't mind what you have , right ? so you 're going to do some like that right .
14 Well what I 'll do is this is mine , Brenda to get so I 'm giving you
15 If we carry on to let 'em do as they like , what 'll happen is this section of the workforce will go in such a decline , they 'll be very profitable which as we 've already heard as Asda are trying it on now .
16 The risk of losing what little bust they might have is enough to discourage many an overweight lady from commencing to diet , so this diet must therefore be good news for them .
17 But if this motion is successful and a working party is established , one of the conclusions that we might reach is that General Secretaries should keep their sticky fingers off shops steward 's commissions .
18 On the other hand , what you 'll get is this continual lying going on about kidding everybody that everything 's better than it is and , of course , the eternal gratitude .
19 Once you get beyond its up to the minute good looks the first thing you 'll notice is that is price tag looks a little out of date .
20 What you might find is that out of er fifty women , thirty smoke , twenty do n't smoke .
21 Actually , what you 'll find is that working mothers are extremely efficient because they have to be . ’
22 What the outsider might say is this .
23 A funny creation , it 's probably best to read it first before you change your life , as all it may signpost is another batch of second-rate lifestyle articles .
24 Oh for goodness sake , let's keep is that way .
25 Scots Wha Hae , which some may claim is another emotional dirge , has tremendous credentials ( tune going back to the 14th century and words by our national bard ) .
26 Second point I 'd make is that in relation to the table one .
27 erm it does n't give an answer , but if you could the only answer it could give is that what my tables say is wrong .
28 I mean , the first thing you 'd notice is that erm sex would be something that was , you know , a public duty and an open .
29 ‘ But whether he 'd come is another matter . ’
30 All I 'd say is that what you have to do Is to ask questions which although are apparently about what you want to do … where you want to get to should really be telling you about the person you 're — "
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