Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Later Duhamel and his team were visited by an immaculate Inspector-General who told them they really ought to plant a few flowers around the gloomy station .
2 If we accept Peirce 's characterization of science , we must acknowledge a discontinuity between ordinary commonsense procedures of inquiry , which all settle belief in the short run , and the life of science , although , of course , the latter may affect the former .
3 Culture or social structure may change and child-rearing may remain the same .
4 They hold that the revelation was given through the cultural medium of one particular time , and that while the message may remain the same ( for example that one should love one 's neighbour ) this may require a different expression in a different age .
5 The song may remain the same , but the advice has well passed its sell-by date .
6 If one ought to act because of an authoritative directive one 's reasons are different than if one ought to perform the same act for other reasons .
7 During a lesson the activity mode may stay the same throughout or it may change several times .
8 After that has been discovered the temperance reformer may decide that the corkscrew was made for a bad purpose , and the communist may think the same about the cathedral .
9 As long-term bond prices are far more volatile than short-term ones , they may prefer the latter .
10 To quote Laura Mitchel — ‘ We spend our lives wanting to be mature , well , now we are so let's make the most of it .
11 The transition from glass to crystals in a basalt may cover a few centimetres , but in andesites and rhyolites it is much broader , and large thicknesses of glass may be present .
12 Some children will want a cuddle as they will have become very upset ; others may want a little sleep as they will have exhausted themselves .
13 If you mind that anyway , cos I may have a couple of people er that may want a few of them to , spoken to Dav , David , he 's got one or two as well .
14 As the start of the season is very close I wonder if I may make a few points for other readers to think about ?
15 Who may make a few inconvenient sexual overtures on the ritually appropriate nights of the week , and will want his strictly kosher dinner cooked on time .
16 Wilko may make a few weird decisions but his record speaks for itself .
17 What I hope — very much hope — is that you , after consideration , may make the same choice .
18 In certain contexts , the word apple may arouse the same mouth-watering reactions as the sight of the fruit itself .
19 Even this simple job can be a pitfall for those who do not pay due attention , so let's discuss a few salient points .
20 Well , let's consider a few
21 Given the confusion surrounding their plans for railway privatisation , perhaps the Government ought to demand the same test for all of its would-be railway experts .
22 They may need a little time to think about it , but they 'll try most things once .
23 To recognize implications you may need a little knowledge of the topic , so familiarize yourself with the information by reading your notes or textbooks .
24 Once you 've stopped dieting your periods will return , but you may need a little help if you want to have a baby … ‘
25 And Dicky can take over as a footman — he may need a few lines changed here and there . ’
26 ‘ I may need a few shots before I find the mark , Khan . ’
27 ‘ Even so , you may need a few stitches .
28 It may need no more than a discussion session , or a change of emphasis introduced at an appropriate point to allow this to be covered .
29 everybody should earn the same .
30 Town halls should make an all out effort for interest and warmth to counteract the pervasive greyness outside .
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