Example sentences of "[subord] three [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At lunchtime they pulled into a lay-by for a picnic ; and later in the afternoon they had tea in a transport café where three lorry drivers stared at them , whispered to one another and laughed .
2 She trotted into the living-room , where three bridge tables had already been set out , and peeped through the picture window .
3 For more than three decades health authorities in the United States , Britain and Australia insisted that only a lunatic fringe of cranks , flat-Earthers and right-wing reactionaries opposed fluoridation .
4 I made no fewer than three telephone calls .
5 In the Scottish universities , students normally enter at 17 rather than 18 , after taking five ‘ highers ’ subjects rather than three A levels , belong initially to a faculty rather than a department , and proceed to either a three-year ordinary or a four-year honours degree .
6 The recommendation most widely noticed was that full-time students should normally study a wider range of subjects — five A levels plus one AS level , rather than three A levels as at present .
7 A sublabial gland biopsy showed more than three lymphocyte foci per 4 mm confirming Sjögren syndrome according to the criteria of Chisholm and Mason .
8 There would also be problems with more than three space dimensions .
9 In fact , the same behavior of gravity with distance in more than three space dimensions means that the sun would not be able to exist in a stable state with pressure balancing gravity .
10 No less than three UIA work groups met in the UK last year — the Public Health group met in London at the time of the International Hospital Federation conference ; the Region 1 Habitat group met in Birmingham ; and the Architecture in Primary Schools group 2 as associated with the successful BET event in Cambridge .
11 No fewer than three railway stations offer a fast service to Paris ; and at night it takes only twenty minutes to drive from the town 's centre to the Etoile .
12 For more than three centuries mathematicians have struggled to rediscover Fermat 's Last Theorem , but without success .
13 Fifty two per cent of patients receiving prednisolone had formed stools after four weeks , compared with 29% receiving fluticasone propionate ( p=0.007 ) ; 60% had no bleeding , compared with 45% for the fluticasone propionate group ( p=0.021 ) ; and 73% had fewer than three bowel motions a day compared with 41% of those receiving fluticasone propionate ( p=0.001 ) .
14 Magistrates and judges were given the power to release upon probation for good conduct first offenders who had committed an offence not punishable by more than three years imprisonment .
15 He was Prime Minister at fifty-five , after less than three years Cabinet experience .
16 It relates to diplomas , certificates , qualifications or other evidence of successful completion of higher education and post-secondary courses of less than three years duration .
17 But more , were one to accept the date given in the traditional account , one would also have to accept that in the space of something less than three years Molla Husrev was appointed to and then abandoned the posts to which he was appointed at the death of Hizir Bey , went to Bursa , built a medrese and taught there , and returned to Istanbul to accept the office of Mufti .
18 In the earlier series of auctions , there were large differences ( in terms of yield ) between minimum and maximum accepted bids but market operators appear to have learned by experience and , with the four auctions of 1991 , the difference was never more than three basis points .
19 Legislation was passed which required that persons who had been sentenced to an aggregate of more than three months imprisonment during the past seven years be committed to a superior court when charged with another offence .
20 In Todi , on the enchanting central square high above the tottering streets of one of the most beautiful and inconvenient of all hill towns , a Romanesque cathedral of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries smiles at no less than three town halls , witnesses of civic aspiration from the early to the mid and late thirteenth century .
21 In the consensus line positions varying by more than three amino acids are indicated by dashes whereas small letters are used to show amino acids found in only one sequence .
22 Heron Granges , a specialist computer insurance company , also guarantees response times within eight hours , thanks to agreements with no fewer than three maintenance companies .
23 Hauling himself higher up the brass serpent , Yeremi squinted over the helmets of Fists as three Land Raiders roared out across a ramp from the adjacent larger hold , on to a fossilised sea of undulating ebon lava .
24 I entered the woods just as three mortar explosions occurred in quick succession , somewhere in the trees a short distance away .
25 It is organised as three teaching terms each ten weeks long , with short vacations of three weeks at Christmas and four weeks at Easter .
26 For those who prefer to keep their feet firmly placed on the ground , Mar Estang also has a small weight training centre , as well as three tennis courts .
27 Most horses are backed as three year olds , then turned away with their training starting seriously during their fourth year .
28 By 1632 , its use for fulling was over , as three corn mills were sold by John Arundell to Urian Wise .
29 Power cuts of up to 10 hours a day were caused in Manila when three power stations were simultaneously closed for repairs in March .
30 A " legislative coup " was narrowly averted when three opposition deputies crossed the floor , giving Borja a majority of 38 out of a total of 72 deputies .
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