Example sentences of "[subord] only [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is a much larger proportion than that found among teenage women , where only about 1 in 3 were cohabiting at the time of the birth .
2 Although only about one third of staff are represented by their diaries , the reader can still perhaps get a ‘ feel ’ of how some parts of the school operate , and may on occasion be able to read between the lines .
3 His family evidently had existing contacts with royal administration , and he may well have been a Chancery clerk as early as June 1379 , enjoying church preferment regularly thereafter , although only on 7 February 1387 was he first called ‘ king 's clerk ’ .
4 It also gave the agency powers to close the securities markets in time of emergency ( although only with presidential permission ) ; to inquire into the viability of brokers-dealers ' holding-company parents ; and to issue temporary cease-and-desist orders to combat fraudulent sales practices in the market for low-price securities .
5 Gibbons et al. ( 1978a ) demonstrated that treatment by social workers using a standardized task-centred approach ( Reid and Epstein 1972 ) was more effective in terms of improving patients ' social problems than traditional care recommended by psychiatrists , although only for female patients ( Gibbons 1979 ) .
6 Broadleaves account for 36 per cent of British woodland , although only for 18 per cent in Scotland , with oak , beech , ash , sycamore and birch the main species .
7 However , while most Arab states might have gone along with this ( if only to worst Abdallah ) , it was clear that Jordan would not contemplate the loss of the gains for which it had gone to war .
8 I present them separately , in preference to an unbroken list , if only for greater ease of reading .
9 If only for one short night , forget the ambition that gnaws unceasingly at thy soul — I say forget thy greatness and be a woman and — my wife . ’
10 It would , furthermore , be difficult to justify the scale of directors ' remuneration if the recipients did not possess comparatively scarce abilities , and it would , if only for that reason , be surprising if directors were themselves to deny the possession of special skills .
11 Even if only for that reason , to regard it as simply an expression of industrial grievances is ludicrously inadequate .
12 ACTUALLY STEVE Albini is someone you should know everything about , if only for Big Black , the Chicago-based hellcore punk terror band he formed in 1981 who had a parallel career of equal importance with the likes of Hüsker Dü and Sonic Youth , whose best records managed to combine an obsession with the eternally disgustingness of life with a guitar noise beyond punk , metal and , indeed , language .
13 I find it almost incredible that the men taking part in the tests were not monitored regularly throughout the rest of their lives , if only for scientific and not humanitarian reasons .
14 Maybe the successful completion of the recording sessions , coupled with the move , persuaded Ken finally to agree to do Gentle Jack — if only for three months .
15 However , the large number of castles erected in the eleventh and twelfth centuries ( Fig. 12 ) and the hundreds of new monasteries founded during the same period also became the administrative centres of their estates , even if only for brief periods .
16 It is therefore helpful to develop those interdependent bonds by taking battling males out as much as possible , even if only for short , on-lead walks .
17 will be co-ordinating the event and would appreciate all offers of help ( if only for short periods during the day ) Offers of display items to as soon as possible please .
18 He was also , if only for this minute , hers .
19 If only for this reason , it was inevitable , as the nineteenth century wore on , that the sense of purpose once associated with German Hellenism must be lost .
20 If only for this one night .
21 But if you do n't want it preserved , I think it would be so nice to have in college , if only for next year 's students , and you also would be around for the next two years , I mean if you 're doing , if you 're doing a language erm , option next year , or even a language recitation erm , this would be quite nice material to use for that .
22 Yet they work somehow , because her is a man who had the courage to state it as it is , with such conviction and such power and optimism that somehow you get caught up in his enthusiasm and believe with him , if only for those three chords .
23 If only for another five minutes . ’
24 I know the argument that it is necessary to look as if you are filling the political vacuum — if only with hot air — but I 'm beginning to wonder if it is worthwhile .
25 The boy 's hedonistic love of naturalist pursuits is linked to a sense of oneness and wonder , if only at rare recorded moments .
26 The similarity of their views — if only on that one key point — is a measure of how the superpower thaw is extending from arms control to economic matters as well .
27 Now there seems to be a very close relationship between the European peoples party and the Conservative party , if only on that circumstantial basis .
28 There was a strong case for an energy conservation programme , if only on psychological grounds .
29 The majority of votes , however , were cast for parties which do want some form of accommodation , if only on different terms .
30 A spirit of enterprise may have to be injected into ventures that are justified even if only on this basis .
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