Example sentences of "[subord] only [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A variant of this method is the ‘ cool canvass ’ , where only certain groups of people are canvassed , i.e. those who are more likely to buy since they possess some qualifying feature ; for example , only companies over a certain size may be judged viable prospects .
2 The reason for this is that it permits buyers to set aside a bad bargain following the seller 's breach of condition where only slight consequences have ensued .
3 There was a small regional dimension to these results , with the swing to Labour varying from 3.2% in the Northern standard region , where only 4 districts held elections , to 8.8% in both the East Midlands and the North West .
4 On 1 January 1982 a Government Decree made it lawful for private trading by ‘ collaboration of persons for economic purposes ’ , and indeed the 1988 Act itself calls unlimited partnerships where only individual persons participate the same name .
5 Some goods are obtainable only at special shops where only western currency is accepted .
6 His funeral took place at SS Peter and Paul , Yeadon where only five months before he had celebrated the silver jubilee of his ordination .
7 Where only one sponsor is required , alternative sponsors should be sought on at least an annual basis ;
8 This saves a bit of space and avoids giving a whole profile where only one characteristic is actually used .
9 Where only one person lives in a property there will be a 25 per cent reduction .
10 The main problem over income tax allowances derives from the failure of married couples , where only one person is working , to take advantage of the flexibility available since the advent of separate taxation in the 1990/91 tax year .
11 Analyzing the energy components of the transition energy , it is found in passing from the B I to the B II state , roughly 0.5–1.5 Kcal/mol of stacking energy is lost at junctions where only one strand is in the B II state , whereas 5–9 Kcal/mol are lost when both phosphates transit .
12 In the simplest systems , where only one program is running at a time , this means merely expediting the changeover from one program to the next .
13 The first relates to the desirability of undertaking central development work where only one college is involved .
14 where only one player
15 The more stringent requirements may not be needed for all processes , but , where only one supply is available , this has to meet the strictest limits ( see Table II ) .
16 A revealing refinement in collecting membership data is to take notice of the number of full families ( where husband and wife are both Christians ) in the total as distinct from part families ( where only one partner is Christian ) ( McGavran 1970:92 ) .
17 The Spaak Report was unveiled for public debate in March 1956 in a special session of the ECSC Common Assembly , where only one vote was registered against its proposals ( though it should be noted that the extremes of the political spectrum were not represented in Strasbourg ) .
18 Underlined , bold letters are used to display residues where only one sequence deviates from the consensus .
19 Intel Corp , obliquely confirming nagging reports that Pentium chips will be in critically short supply at least until October , now says it will ship only about 100,000 of the chips by the end of the year , where only two months ago it was talking ‘ hundreds of thousands ’ of parts this year ; Intel now sees 10,000 Pentiums going out by the end of June , 40,000 in the third quarter , and some 50,000 in fourth .
20 This may come more naturally and easily to some than to others , but it is possible that where a prolonged conscious effort has been made to tap this creative source , greater understanding and appreciation result than where only little work has been needed .
21 Abrashes are usually found in monadic and village items , where only small amounts of yarn can be dyed at any one time , and are not a sign of inadequate craftsmanship .
22 Petty Sessions or Quarter Sessions : a criminal court , as opposed to a magistrate 's court where only short sentences could be imposed .
23 Europe as a whole lags way behind the USA , where only unleaded fuel is sold and all cars run on it .
24 These also tended to be " open " primaries , where any registered voter could participate , as opposed to " closed " contests where only registered party members were entitle to vote , another factor thought to favour Duke .
25 Pray God that her fancy prove untrue ! — he was immured in one of those gruesome buildings where only ready money could save its unwilling patrons from abject penury .
26 The Malthusians now had their ‘ integrated ’ health programmes , albeit only thinly-disguised family planning campaigns .
27 Sociable Dorothy , although only seventeen years old , managed to infuse some sort of order into Isobel 's shattered life , hoping that soon Isobel would decide what she would do in the future , so that she herself could go back home to Wales , which , from the vantage point of Tollemarche , seemed infinitely cosy and desirable .
28 1.3. a Although only 58 institutions provided the full questionnaire , they taught between them a large number of courses .
29 Although only financial control is centralised , IDG reaps some advantages from being a global group .
30 Although only one sequence for MUP and A2U is shown the urinary proteins are encoded by a gene family expressing at least seven closely related forms of the protein .
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