Example sentences of "[subord] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There would be no shortage of clubs interested if the dispute escalated , but Graham will want Merson in peak condition rather than out of the club .
2 Cranston made the man repeat the message as he reluctantly took than out of the main hall and up the wide , spacious stairs to one of the duke 's private chambers .
3 ‘ The ultimate test always was : Would it be funnier if , for example , Carry On Abroad was filmed in Spain rather than out on the lot ?
4 Similarly , when he visits the south-east region , he will want to know why so many sales people are investing their time in the office rather than out on the road selling .
5 And the more valuable the horse is , with the consequent likelihood of it being kept in more confined and stressful conditions — stabled in solitude rather than out in the paddock with companions — the greater the chances of it developing colic .
6 It seemed much colder here than out in the open .
7 Nothing moved inside except out of the corner of my eye I was sure that I saw Boris winking .
8 Banks offer such goodies , not because students are rich and represent good business to the banks , not colleagues , because out of the goodness of their hearts they believe students need a helping hand .
9 yeah , listen to this though , they 're saying oh its terrible America have got four per cent and we 've got fifteen , America have got four per cent because out of the interest rates comes money for erm , that ca n't be right , something tax
10 The human members of the community are here mainly because out in the commercial world , they had been doing things they did not want to do , using skills they wished they did not have .
11 I drank fears like wormwood , yea , made myself drunken with bitterness ; for my ever-shaping and distrustful mind still mingled gall-drops , till out of the cup of hope I almost poisoned myself with despair …
12 " But it seemed he did n't want any responsibility for any military action , even while out of the country , " said Habib Olahi later .
13 I suggested earlier that both exhibitions claimed to subvert ; that The Subversive Stitch at Cornerhouse sought to do this through content , while Out of the Frame focused on materials and techniques .
14 His work has therefore become more varied and , because he is no longer subject to close personal supervision while out in the fields , the farm worker has become more autonomous .
15 While out in the meadows the buzz of summer drones
16 Drifting from an open window came the voice of a tenor singing ‘ O Sole Mio ’ , while out in the lagoon a ship 's siren sounded , and on one of the bridges a man played an accordion .
17 Lewis began his Narnia stories for children in 1949 , but he had been publishing fiction for adults since Out of the Silent Planet ( 1938 ) , a mixture of space-fiction and theology that he was soon to extend into a trilogy , ending with That Hideous Strength ( 1945 ) .
18 She was all but out of the door on her way to Oxford Street when , incredibly , she found herself shaking , so much so that she went back into the tiny bedroom and lay down .
19 Northern Ireland are all but out of the competition , needing a miracle to make it to the US , Scotland are already out and Wales are still in with a chance .
20 That lays a foundation for the teaching of Jesus many years later , ‘ For out of the heart come evil thoughts , murder , adultery , sexual immorality , theft , false testimony , slander ’ ( Matt. 15:20 ) .
21 For out of the agitation there came the Seamen 's United Protection Society , formed in North Shields , but quickly developing branch associations on the east coast as far afield as Aberdeen and Dundee in one direction and Yarmouth in the other , about twenty in all .
22 Creggan could not rest or sleep , for out of the racing seas beneath their stance seemed to come troubled memories and images of a place where he once was , and eagles he once knew .
23 The judges clearly had a predilection for this style , the Second Empire mode as Hitchcock calls it , as out of the total of fourteen prizes for the offices , seven were awarded to designs in this style , including the first and second in each class .
24 Since import controls on the necessary scale were regarded as out of the question , a precarious combination of international borrowing and expenditure-restriction was embarked upon .
25 By the first decade of the twentieth century the majority of medics saw return to enforced regulation of VD as out of the question .
26 Given this degree of ambiguity in the chronological indicators , it certainly can not be regarded as out of the question that Oswiu died and Ecgfrith became king in the early months of 671 .
27 Nothing had struck him as out of the ordinary apart of course from his wife 's news about the Rector , communicated to him around tea-time .
28 Since I was last at Garboldisham ( the Real McKoi can fairly be described as out in the wilds ) , Ray has re-vamped the garden .
29 As mentioned in ( 1 ) , vegetables should play a larger part in a healthy diet , even when out on the town or at a business lunch .
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