Example sentences of "[subord] would have be " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Thatcher 's veto against putting the pound in the ERM has obliged Mr Lawson to set interest rates higher than would have been otherwise necessary to sustain sterling and , some economists think , to beat inflation .
2 For a given outlay of local currency it has ensured a higher value of imports than would have been available under a market valuation of the currency .
3 Mr Jack Meredith , chairman of the AMA 's public transport committee , said that while bus patronage was declining prior to deregulation , the Tyson report showed that the fall in journeys was between 100 and 200 million more than would have been expected .
4 THE national championships begin in Newcastle today with Martine Le Moignan , the world champion , and Del Harris , the England No.1 , defending their British titles in far less confident mood than would have been the case a few months ago .
5 The name CIA is now synonymous with everything that is corrupt and has certainly turned more people towards Communism than would have been the case had American foreign policy been more open and honest .
6 It seems likely that the masonry of the chimney 's lower section came from either a demolished house or another mill , as the quality of workmanship is of a higher standard than would have been strictly necessary .
7 In some ways sculptors became more adventurous , creating figures of larger scale and with more expansive poses than would have been tried in the first century .
8 So although the absence of key workers in Newham meant that there were few boundary disputes , it also meant that the development officer could become very closely involved in organising other services , and perhaps feel that other services took advantage of the Home Support Project and showed less involvement than would have been necessary without the project .
9 However , many clients were supported by the scheme , and it is only through comparison with the control sample that one can determine whether or not the project was successful in sustaining them at home for a longer period of time than would have been the case without it .
10 This is about 10 more , she says , than would have been expected From the whole 8000 servicemen who , she says , took part in the South Pacific tests between 1957 and 1958 .
11 ‘ Cardinal Stuart , ’ wrote the British minister in Florence to Horace Walpole , ‘ by putting on the cowle [ i.e. cardinal 's hat ] has done more to extinguish his party than would have been effected by putting to death many thousand of deluded followers . ’
12 By 1988 interim results indicated that around 10 per cent fewer accidents occurred than would have been expected without the schemes .
13 Many more lesbians and gays were openly involved in their local Labour parties than would have been the case even five years previously , and they ensured that the Labour manifestos in the 1986 council elections included commitments to lesbian and gay work .
14 Polarisation tended to occur more on simpler machines , which could be programmed off the shop floor and operated by those with less skill than would have been required for conventional machines doing work of that complexity .
15 It was placed a little further forward along the wall of the building than would have been selected by a novice and apparently with a knowledge of the positions of the interior walls .
16 In any case , lest anyone think the Royal Society of Chemistry had pandered to Elena Ceauşescu 's vanity , he assured the public that ‘ the fellowship was presented at a ceremony no grander than would have been arranged for any other spouse of a head of state . ’
17 Even so this sequence of events is very unlikely to happen and occurs some million times slower than would have been the case if there were neutrons there to start with .
18 These above-average profits depended to some extent on the Company 's political influence in England ; in India it was not powerful enough to control the market , but its charter gave it a monopoly in England which let it push prices up further than would have been practicable if non-members of the Company ( denounced as ‘ interlopers ’ ) had been able to import cotton goods into England freely .
19 In fact that familiarity can sometimes be deceptive ; behind the restored classical vocabulary lurk more of the earlier aristocratic assumptions than would have been conceded by most nineteenth-century historians ; so if anthropological interpretations become less useful , there is still danger in pushing narrowly juridical ones .
20 ‘ Our relative losses have been higher than would have been accepted in a listed plc , ’ he says .
21 Sankey ( the Lord Chancellor ) and J. H. Thomas survived longer than would have been likely had they been Conservatives .
22 Resources were obtained from central government under the 1952 Town Development Act and the 1961 Housing Act which subsidized the importation of an over spill population , but these were far less than would have been provided to a designated New Town where all infrastructure costs would have been borne by central government .
23 Thus the different socio-political contexts were mobilized by the political parties of protest in different ways , producing a more complex electoral geography than would have been the case if Wales had a uniform political culture .
24 Even so , it is a great deal more than would have been credited to a bird even a few years ago .
25 The evidence shows that in many cases the minister of state has set a date for the first review later than would have been the case if he had adopted the views expressed by the judiciary .
26 To be fair , Potter was behaving better than would have been expected — cold yet civil .
27 This provided a richer and more varied diet and a grander life style for those in the middle and upper ranks of society than would have been possible if they had been dependent only on the products of a self-contained peasant economy .
28 All too often the profit earned on an individual house or indeed a development as a whole is less than would have been made if the site had merely been left undeveloped and sold at the end of the development period .
29 All this is important because it meant that by the end of the 1930s British town planning was in a stronger position than would have been thought likely , to respond to the national emergency of physical destruction , which led to an unprecedented period of planned rebuilding .
30 Occasionally , things get a little confusing — Ride and the pixies are hardly baggy faves — but the presence of the seminal ‘ Taste ’ and ‘ Velouria ’ gives the LP more variety than would have been present on a groove-only affair .
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