Example sentences of "[subord] we have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Ludicrous lads may lambast Carter for ‘ boldly going where we 've already been ’ on their new album , but another track , ‘ Bloody Proud ’ , bristles with blatant Fall references , including a riff suspiciously akin to ‘ Could n't Get Ahead ’ .
2 These results agree with those of a preliminary study of eight normal subjects given 200 mg of acarbose after a 380 kcal breakfast , where we had also observed a significant acceleration of MCTT in comparison with placebo .
3 In many cases they focused on areas which AEA had already identified as essential to our future success and where we had already initiated action .
4 None of us knew exactly where we were , so the captain decided to continue sailing eastwards , where we had never been before .
5 With hindsight , I should have said ‘ Hallo ’ and then , if necessary , reminded him where we 'd previously met .
6 Not with Abraham , but back where we have already been , in the World of God 's making and the Garden of his planting .
7 We shall win in Brent and Ealing , where we have already turfed out the Labour party , and marginal seats in Wandsworth and Westminster , where people have seen the benefits of Conservative government .
8 All YWAM staff are encouraged to attend local churches , but we will be remaining members of Queens Park Baptist Church where we have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the church family and where we have grown so much .
9 Where we have probably not exploited it sufficiently as yet is in bringing children — the readers themselves — into ensuing discussions .
10 The only increase smaller than the £15 is in what is known as the terminal illness category for nursing homes , for reasons that I explained to the House in my uprating statement , where we have instead thought it more appropriate to make , through the Department of Health , an additional grant of £1 million specifically directed to the funding of hospices .
11 Another problem is that if you 're trying to deal with other manufacturers in the way that we do , where we have this extremely close relationship and they are very reliant on our forward forecasts of volume , they feel if you have your own manufacturing plant that you would always give preference to it in bad times and the other suppliers would be the people to suffer if sales declined .
12 Surely this is the secret of the wonderful spirit that prevails in our congregation , and now even extends beyond , into the ‘ City Centre ’ where we have so many good friends .
13 ‘ Generally speaking the results have been good although we 've perhaps drawn too many games we should have won . ’
14 The stored up sunshine and seasalt in our pores saved us from having another attack of the dreaded ‘ flu that winter , although we had also used very much potassium permanganate in our sinks and drains , as the health authorities asked .
15 He writes : I was now convinced , after the stubborn to-and-fro contest for every foot of ground which had continued throughout the whole of April , that although we had more than once changed our methods of attack , a decisive success at Verdun could only be assured at the price of heavy sacrifices , out of all proportion to the desired gains .
16 Although we had only a very limited range of local newspapers , half ( 69 ) of the 138 cases which appeared in only one newspaper appeared only in the local newspapers .
17 Although we had never met before … we half-knew each other already .
18 I had exactly the same feeling about her , although we had never met . ’
19 And although we have generally ceased to believe directly in witchcraft , the irrational charges levelled against coloured immigrants in Britain smack strongly of the witchcraft accusation .
20 By the way , although we have yet to respond to Threshold 21 , we will do so .
21 Although we have already made use of the market model in the construction and evaluation of portfolios , we have not evaluated the model itself .
22 Although we have now developed good links between business and secondary schools where companies try to interest pupils , we do not yet have enough tie-ups between primary schools and local businesses .
23 Although we have sometimes disagreed on scientific matters , I have always remained your friend .
24 I think perhaps if I just add a point to that er although we have as four nations agreed on the revised requirement there , I believe it 's true to say that development has progressed to such an extent that probably we will have the original requirement in practice , even though we 've no longer specified it .
25 Of climbing Ratagan ( which they spelt in different ways : Boswell , ‘ Ratakin' : Johnson , ‘ Ratiken ’ ) in the early afternoon , Johnson confided in Mrs Thrale ( to whom he spells it ‘ Rattiken ’ ) ‘ more difficulty than we had yet experienced ’ , a formidable demur , given the harshness of the ride out from Fort Augustus to Anoch .
26 Test the finger you are they just oh God , they 're much bigger than we had already .
27 Here is an artist for whom sensuality was extraordinarily important , but who will turn out to be emotionally far more complex than we had previously thought .
28 These changes may result in somewhat greater reductions in employee numbers than we had previously envisaged , in addition to any transfer out of teams .
29 It is only when one has haunted the markets of France and the food shops in the country towns and villages , watched the housewives doing their shopping , listened to them discussing their purchases at the pâtisseries and the charcuteries that one realizes how much less they are tied to their kitchens than we had always been led to suppose .
30 Also , we were closer than we had ever been .
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