Example sentences of "[subord] she [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Pat has got a second class going , for the elderly at the Newquay Day Centre ( where she is up against a simultaneously running Bingo session ) , and would now like to introduce a recreational and/or breathing class to her locality .
2 The ease with which patients are managed in these settings contrasts with the chaos that commonly ensues when a single anorexia nervosa patient is treated on a general psychiatric or medical ward , where she is either afforded special status or rejected because her illness is seen as self-inflicted .
3 Her experience is brought to bear in the Crown 's superior restaurant where she is particularly proud of the French cuisine .
4 Since she is illiterate , reading of the Bible is ruled out , but , in whatever activity she finds herself , she can pursue prayer and meditation in meekness , and faith in the teachings of the Church , and the same " continuel desire to God " that he advocated in Mixed Life ( 41.472 ) here stressed as an inner dynamic , where she is never idle " bot alwey liftand up hert by desire to God and to blisse of heuen " ( 22.296a. – 96 ) .
5 A mother who is living in an environment where she is very isolated and whose general social contacts with neighbours , relatives , and husband are mostly unhappy or antagonistic is likely to behave differently from a mother who generally has pleasant interactions with most people but occasionally experiences some aggressive reactions from her child .
6 The situation with her husband is one where she is very misunderstood .
7 Of course , she would die very quickly if she were not to receive intensive and expensive round-the-clock treatment from the staff of the nursing home where she is now a patient .
8 Where she is now , in whose hands , whether she 's still alive , these are the questions you need to have answered before paying a ransom . ’
9 Ms Blaazer has spent 14 years with The Industrial Society , where she is now Senior Consultant .
10 ‘ Do you have any idea where she is now ?
11 Jodie Foster , fresh from her triumphs in The Accused ( released on video last month ) , is the only reason to bother , as with Five Corners ( 15 Pathe 13 Oct ) , where she is almost raped again and is carted about , unconscious , by a psychopath .
12 Mother , on the other head , goes to Bernard of Anlaby Road once a fortnight , where she 's ceremonially washed , lotioned , rollered , dried , combed-out and lacquered for roughly the price of my pansy-brain shampoo .
13 Oh where she 's here .
14 It was a Militant councillor who found her alternative accommodation where she was later to give birth to her daughter , Claire .
15 Susan , who had been working a local boarding kennel where she was particularly involved with Bernese Mountain and German Shepherd dogs , has two Great Danes of her own called Buddy and Holly !
16 Mrs Thatcher rejected a personal campaign , preferring to emphasise her stature by carrying out her normal official duties which included a visit to Ulster and attendance at the Security and Cooperation summit in Paris ( where she was when the result of the first ballot was announced ) .
17 Feeling fury begin to soar in her again , she determinedly stayed where she was when she heard sounds that indicated that both men were leaving .
18 He did n't understand but he heard the word ‘ spider ’ and laughed , and she laughed too , until she saw how the light slid over his cheekbones and dropped luminous on his hair like Ember 's , then she was crying into the warmth of his shoulder and he took her through a linden-scented night to a place where her tangled feelings speared through tawdry lust into oblivion where she was n't alone .
19 It flattered her , where she was most susceptible of flattery , to think how , wound about in their hearts , however long they lived she would be woven — ’ See ?
20 So Anna was taken to her new home , where she was well cared for , and her new owner tried patiently to handle and groom her .
21 Her own health by that time was not of the best and she latterly resided in Dalnair House , Croftamie , where she was well cared for .
22 Ruth felt her stomach heave , and rushed to the side of the ship , where she was violently sick over the rail .
23 Shortly after moving into her apartment she found a job where she was truly in her element .
24 She was asked to step next door where she was cursorily examined by a female Indian doctor who offered no opinion .
25 He vaguely remembered her name from the literary magazines , where she was quite well thought of .
26 Ex-St Martin 's ( where she was often the only student in the life room ) , she has been painting for five years , mostly commissions which come from friends .
27 All the turmoil of the past weeks pressed down on her now , that she had arrived at her destination : this slightly tawdry student house with its worn second-hand furniture where she was so obviously unwelcome .
28 He had absolutely no sense of the woman , least of all where she was now .
29 They increased the likelihood of a chain of events which put the woman into a position in adult life where she was more likely to experience further social difficulties .
30 ‘ And how would I , seein' she 's away ? ’
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