Example sentences of "[subord] she [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 Then ran and slipped and ran again , past the church , between the dignified houses on the new Bristol Bridge , dodging the tollkeepers who marvelled at her speed , and over to the Welsh Back where horse-drawn sleds wove between towers of kegs , hanks of rope , sprawling sacks and the beached masts of ships , and where she knew she could shrink unnoticed into a warren of warehouses , entries and cellars .
2 For he 'd known she would n't go , that he was perfectly safe , that she was not the type to impose herself where she knew she was n't wanted .
3 Oh , she had a pretty good idea : she only needed to go back to Felix Road or even Nelson Close , where she said she lived , to find out .
4 He knew that he 'd been close , but then somehow it had all slipped away from him ; when Alina had n't come out and the three of them had finally gone into the building , it was to find incomprehension from the woman who lived alone and an empty flat where she said she 'd gone for help .
5 Like most migrants , she still thought of Scotland as home and Britain as the homeland , although she knew she would never see her native country again .
6 Primaflora remained standing still , although she knew she had blanched .
7 She 'd been planning to have it repaired as soon as she could afford to , for , although she knew she could have claimed the cost through her insurance , she could n't afford to lose her no-claims bonus .
8 She loathed herself for such pettiness , but she was so helplessly without any control over their relationship that pride or all that remained of it demanded that she administer these little pricks to his satisfaction , although she knew she had no hope of succeeding in puncturing it properly .
9 But he was a most willing worker , and although she knew she was in for a tough day without him she offered her sympathy , and advised , ‘ Take an Alka-Seltzer and go back to bed .
10 Although she bet she would like him .
11 Although she felt she had settled down a lot since her last release from prison , she was still having difficulties coping with the day-to-day strain and isolation of being a single parent .
12 ‘ Is Monsieur Gebrec still living ? ’ asked Melissa softly , although she felt she already knew the answer .
13 And although she felt she was being torn apart inside , at the same time the older woman 's brutal candour was welcome , because it finally answered so many unhappy questions .
14 The latter was now staring at the Van Gogh boats and the milky sea and sky through poppy-scarlet lenses , which Frederica thought was perverse , although she wished she had the courage to ask for a moment to put them on , to see all this .
15 She would just about do , although she wished she had been able to wear high heels .
16 She will listen to what each side has to say before deciding who to support on April 9 , although she says she is not keen on any of the three party leaders and preferred Margaret Thatcher to John Major .
17 However , after Wakeham reported that support among backbenchers had collapsed during the day , perhaps by half , it was clear to those around Mrs Thatcher that , although she said she would sleep on it , she was virtually certain to resign .
18 I thought she 'd be shocked but she was n't , although she said she thought I should try to forget him because it would only mean unhappiness for me . ’
19 After all she has been compared to Monroe , a parallel she does n't argue with although she insists she wo n't get into the same mess as the icon who screwed up her life with an overdose of men , booze and drugs .
20 After her death , he 'd moved out into one of the back rooms , and Aunt Ruth — although she supposed she 'd have to stop thinking of her in that way — had taken the other .
21 Now in exile , Sister Guadalupe recently returned to El Salvador on a brief visit , although she knows she is on many paramilitary death lists .
22 And almost immediately she wished she had n't .
23 He phoned her after Seville but she never called him back because almost immediately she found she was pregnant .
24 This led to the development officer having to assume such a role herself , and occasionally this involved her in more work than she felt she could easily provide .
25 It took more courage than she knew she possessed to follow him .
26 Ken chatted Belinda up so she said she would n't come round any more , or so Brenda reported .
27 And er , so she said she , she wants to take the last couple of days away
28 Dora 's appointment is n't till eleven so she says she is n't in a hurry .
29 But she wanted a man , so she knew she 'd have to pay a price , any price .
30 The high heels of Mrs Stych 's new , mink-trimmed bootees were now sinking into the Frizzell lawn and threatening to snap at any moment , so she knew she must be quick .
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