Example sentences of "[subord] they look at " in BNC.

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1 No longer were they able to allow for unforeseen problems so they looked at their traditional contracts for any opportunity for reimbursement of additional costs .
2 I think they did these figures a week or so before xmas … which explains the figures if they looked at the high scoring charts for each club .
3 The other factor we should also bear in mind is the great majority of the people are not only not interested , they 're basically hostile the whole business and I think that members may not have really noticed if they looked at the European newspaper , the highest ever figure , fifty three percent of all the people of Britain are now totally and completely opposed to the whole business of the E C , they do n't think it 's a good idea .
4 Now they could then say well that particular group of people , if they looked at this evidence that I 've got , would want to say this about it and they would want to change it in such and such a way , and there 's another group of people who perhaps have rather different views on what history might be doing and they would view the evidence and argue about it in this way .
5 ‘ I 've told the players if they look at results overall , I think we could have held our own comfortably in Division One this season .
6 That 's , that 's , but , but actually if they look at the DOPACS times , for the people doing the work , the surveyors and the designers , they can do their work in two months which is spread out over a year .
7 if they 're saying there are no restrictions , cos they can not , they simply can not give there good clearance if there was something which is something of a restriction of competition , they must give exemption , they have no jurisdiction to do anything else , if they look at a clause and say
8 er Chairman thank you for inviting me to come erm here today , er particularly as Mrs who 's the other member of erm , affected by the lorry ban on the A ten eighty eight it 's unfortunate unable to come , erm and thank you for including me in the er consultation process that you 're planning with Norfolk County Council , er Chairman obviously I wish to support this , but just erm if I could make a couple of observations on your paper , erm firstly particular relation to the discussion we just had about Brandon , erm , I am aware Mr Chairman you 've just described the er highways people in Norfolk as very reasonable , but I think that members will see particular if they look at problems like four point one that we do have to handle er working relationships with some care and I would want to express regret while I wo n't be less impolite than that , but Norfolk have not even seen fit to put up signs erm warning of the lorry ban erm in Thetford , erm , which shows er not exactly the spirit of co-operation , I hope we 're going to be able to achieve in the consultations about Brandon and I thought
9 There was a brief , deep silence , while they looked at one another and weighed possibilities .
10 Gallup ( in the UK ) and Starch ( in the USA ) used to run so-called ‘ reading and noting ’ surveys regularly , in which readers of a magazine are taken through the last issue and questioned about every page — whether they looked at it at all ; read some of it ; read all of it ; etc .
11 At eight Maggie had not known that her grandmother was famous , but she had seen that people had something in their manner when they looked at Rachel ; later she learned that something was respect .
12 The men of Charlton must have cherished their independence , especially when they looked at the fate of the neighbouring village of Noke , which , it was said , was lost by Lily , duchess of Marlborough , at cards .
13 There was a lot of saluting as we arrived and I tried to appear defiant when they looked at me .
14 There was a little wistfulness about these village girls when they looked at the rich convent girls in their expensive clothes .
15 One answer to this could be that articulate Europeans , however much they differed , were formed by a common educational heritage and thought of themselves as Europeans when they looked at the rest of the world .
16 Had the two friends discussed her in the way men probably did when they looked at a young woman who passed them in the street ?
17 The nurses here wrote down every day on Stephen 's chart how many hours he had cried , but neither Sloan nor Dr Turner turned a hair when they looked at that on the chart ; all they cared about was the weight curve .
18 I nodded to them , but when they looked at me I turned away quickly , for fear I should see them exchange puzzled glances .
19 Eyes which widened when they looked at Sabine , then became opaque — blank .
20 Just on a point of er clarification , the villages or settlements I should say , that I 've indicated on the er plan which is included within my statement , er is actually derived from the Selby rural areas local plan , which defines settlements and I believe the County Council have used a similar erm listing of erm settlements within that those two sectors for their own exercise when they looked at this particular subject er criteria .
21 Anybody who 's not a shrink ( or my wife ) only sees an ink blot when they look at one .
22 Must be pretty tough for them when they look at other lasses . ’
23 So we er , schools can approach us as the Engineering Council and say , we 'd like some help , and quite obviously , they all want some help when they look at the actual syllabus of a design and technology itself !
24 The idea came from the experience of pulling hair out of the bathtub ; ‘ this made me think about the things that are worthless , that we want to get rid of , the embarrassing hidden things like body hair , and the things we value and cultivate — in our culture , for instance , the head of hair is usually the first thing people register when they look at someone , a great deal of energy and money is , therefore , expended on hairdressing and styling .
25 There was a pause as they looked at one another and adjusted their minds to the needs of conversation .
26 The marketing team of the DIY company would probably discuss some of the following questions as they looked at the bar charts :
27 ‘ I 'm afraid stocks are still pathetically low , ’ Louise said as they looked at the half dozen dresses that were the only ones the assistant had in Constance 's size .
28 There was silence as they looked at each other across the table .
29 Huy asked him , as they looked at the rock .
30 As they look at what was the garden where they played as children , Nicholas reminisces , ‘ We used to play hide-and-seek here , Smike ’ The incredulous Smike asks , ‘ You …
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