Example sentences of "[subord] they do at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If they make more money in Germany , say , than they do at home , they will need to reinvest more there , ’ he says .
2 Case conferences should , as a matter of routine practice , make a much clearer distinction between more and less ‘ objective ’ evidence than they do at present .
3 Unfortunately , these ideas make a lot more sense in spreadsheets contemplated by bean counters — a special type , as the British enjoy a breakfast consisting of beans and toast — than they do at display counters contemplated by customers .
4 The result is that they make less use of their linguistic resources than they do at home and have less opportunity to extend those they already possess , except perhaps in relation to the specific vocabulary associated with the tasks they are required to perform .
5 Many developing nations , with limited resources available with which to adjust or adapt to changes in climate , will have to rely on international assistance even more than they do at present .
6 And this takes time , it takes time to change national habits , but I think it would be very serious for this country if erm in fact those people who want an advanced English language education in the Third World erm turned much more to the United States and , and , and Canada , which seems to be the erm trend , than they do at present .
7 In retrospect , many of those stories now seem considerably less fanciful than they did at the time .
8 Ca n't think what people see in them , ’ he added darkly , referring to the fact that most of the Zoo visitors who came by the Cages spent more time looking at the vultures than they did at African eagles like him .
9 they 're eating better than they did at dinner time .
10 My understanding is that A those do n't exist at present within the deposit plan , but if they did at some future date , for any reason , that their function would be to be used after two thousand and six to sustain the permanence of the greenbelt .
11 in the erm living room , or dining lounge , what other light fittings did people buy apart from that , if they did at all ?
12 Philip did n't eat tea like they did at home .
13 When they play like they did at Blackburn Rovers , it does n't matter who you 've got up front .
14 Tullibardine , far more cautious , was reluctant even to cross to the mainland and when they did at last set sail they suffered the usual Jacobite bad luck .
15 He feels that , for such an important event , countries should have a day 's rest between their games , as they did at the 1986 World Cup in London , where England lost in the final to Australia .
16 He feels that , for such an important event , countries should have a day 's rest between their games , as they did at the 1986 World Cup in London , where England lost in the final to Australia .
17 A few girls were dancing together as they did at the youth club hops and the dancing was of the proper ‘ ballroom variety ’ — waltzes , quicksteps and foxtrots .
18 She could be pretty , she decided , if her hair were not so tightly scraped back from her face and if her eyes shone with eagerness , as they did at this moment .
19 The very worst time to take out a bond is when rates are low but then rise dramatically and unexpectedly , as they did at the end of the 1980s .
20 The very worst time to take out a bond is when rates are low but then rise dramatically and unexpectedly , as they did at the end of the 1980s
21 Cleaning up contamination is wonderfully labour-intensive : some old military sites being cleaned up by the Department of Energy now employ twice as many people as they did at their peak of production .
22 Ealhfrith 's personal religious predilections need not necessarily have borne undertones of political dissatisfaction but the differences on ecclesiastical matters between father and son , coming as they did at a time of profound change in Oswiu 's former position of influence in southern England , probably reflected a crisis of potentially serious dimensions .
23 I know you know of it and have even assayed it in a pipe , as they did at court when Astraea ruled and she was inclined to taste it now and then .
24 ‘ I would love to see how Leeds would handle the situation if we scored in the first minute , as they did at Ibrox . ’
25 The fairies giggle at their antics as they do at those of Bottom and their Queen .
26 It is certain that the seas of 600 to 1000 million years ago swarmed with drifting medusae , just as they do at present .
27 People just did n't take themselves quite so seriously as they do at Crufts .
28 An ambiguously worded provision , patently lacking adequate means of enforcement , may be too slender a ground on which to anticipate that the courts would sanction a derogation from the ownership rights of the shareholders , lying as they do at the foundation of the legal model of the company .
29 The report shows that these small farmers and their spouses spend almost as much time working on the farms as they do at their other jobs , yet farm profits are almost non-existent .
30 Very large window areas allow for broad sweeps of display which grab the eye from far away , as they do at Waterstones ' even grander premises round the corner in Union Street .
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