Example sentences of "[subord] they 've [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We will take whatever copy they have in existence all ready where they 've advertised somewhere else .
2 The next thing is to go out on the road and into people 's homes and offices , where they 've written us letters saying they want to get fit . ’
3 But where they 've gone on to have parish councils , you 've had the typical triangular structure and when I talk to people and listen to what they say , they , they do n't express it to me as such , but the felling you get over is that 's the sort of structure they 're used to , because the structure of the church is built in anyway , and the whole structure of the church
4 Because most of the lawyers and judges are of an age where they 've considered , or are already , divorced .
5 For a band now irritated by most dance music — ‘ most of it 's cack , I hate going into bars where they 've got it blaring out from everywhere , you ca n't hear yourself think ’ — and uncomfortable with the accoutrements of clubbing — ‘ I ca n't stand being under strobes no more , do me head in , make me lose my balance ’ — it was inevitable the Mondays would rake up their rock roots , ‘ mature ’ their sound and make a major musical transition .
6 And she was laying up by the quay by where they 've got those
7 I 've no idea where they 've got to .
8 Erm and then you could have your trade stand where they 've got to come and collect something and answer a question .
9 where they 've got that ghost in the house
10 Where they 've got their van sited it is
11 Well it 's not an immediate problem , it just occurred to it 'd be nice to have you know I 've I 'm writing a list of the recordings as they come in and where they 've come from .
12 I 'm not opposed to links when they 're relevant , I 've in fact argued and encouraged them and defended them where they 've taken place and I believe that they were important but I do n't believe in them taking place where they 're irrelevant and er where they er are unhelpful .
13 I 've been through my neighbourhood , where they 've torn down liquor stores and burnt down everything .
14 ‘ Look here , where they 've chipped the stone when they raised it .
15 And er y you sort of make your list of who has to go and where they 've to come from , take it into the office , and they organize it .
16 Again , the control layout would bother me because the volume pot for the bridge pickup is the middle of the three , but I think I could get used to it — although at present it is like trying to get used to driving a new car where they 've put the gearstick in the middle of the passenger seat .
17 Where they 've put the
18 ‘ No , nothing much has happened , except they 've bombed Tel Aviv ’ .
19 ‘ It 's exactly like a Jewish wedding , ’ says Jack , ‘ except they 've forgotten to invite Uncle Hymie and Auntie Rae , the ones who never made it . ’
20 My Lord m may I add one further matter , er , My Lord may I say on behalf of the family er the that your Lordship 's comments will be very gratefully received er , neither Mr or Mrs , although they 've sought recognition for what they 've done for their daughter , they did it out of their fond love for her but nevertheless having such a and such comment from your Lordship will be very , very good .
21 But when you spend it when you 're spending your income you 're not accumulating your capital , so this person in five years time , although they 've had their income which may vary between seven and thirteen percent , their ten thousand is still ten thousand pounds , and obviously that would have devalued in real terms against inflation , which is the other problem .
22 ‘ Then I actually left Girlschool in 1989 because I got fed up with their attitude , although they 've changed now — so they tell me !
23 although they 've reduced the price
24 Whereas the least grown-up people I know , although they 've got a tremendous value for society so bless them anyway , are ‘ artists ’ .
25 It 's the Holst arrangement , although they 've got anther version of it in there , which is n't Holst .
26 I would be very surprised if a property on at nine fifty would be dropped much below nine hundred because , obviously they have a , they have a certain that they need to get and I I 'd be surprised if they 'd go sort of much below fifty pounds less a month than they 've advertised it for .
27 Perhaps the other point I can make is to go back to the question of why women tutors and people in the university generally have emphasised harassment of students by academic staff more than they 've emphasised harassment by students of one another , and I think it 's not that it was thought that students did n't commonly make each other uncomfortable , but as an issue of principle in terms of whether it 's appropriate for university or college authorities to intervene in what many people regard as students ' private lives .
28 But it has such appeal that the casinos are reporting more feverish betting activity than they 've known in a long time .
29 Marriages — take it from us — survive worse catastrophes than they 've experienced .
30 ‘ There 's more people in prison here than they 've got in Turkey , and when there 's no more room they 'll put them in concentration camps and call them rehabilitation centres .
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