Example sentences of "[subord] he would be " in BNC.

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1 He was lodged , at some expense , in a progressive asylum where he would be looked after by skilled doctors , but his condition did not improve .
2 It was agreed with the Prince that the interview would take place at Broadlands where he would be staying with the Brabournes in a few weeks ' time .
3 After this , he resigned himself more or less to an athletics-oriented existence , taking up the offer of a job in a sports equipment shop , where he would be granted ample time off to compete in meetings and train regularly .
4 It had not occurred to him that there would be a place underground where he would be exposed on three sides .
5 He was flying first class to LAX , where he would be met by a uniformed chauffeur who would convey him by limousine or courtesy car to the Pinnacle Trumont on the Avenue of the Stars .
6 Elliott was half-in , half-out of the car , trying to work out where he would be most use .
7 He knew it was a person 's natal chart that decreed whether he should become an Ixmaritian , and where he would be educated .
8 And say erm where he would be best used but there have been a couple of errors caused by his bad eyesight .
9 His heart sank , perversely convinced that he was to be transferred to some damp hole where he would be able neither to stand upright nor lie at full length , and chained there in darkness .
10 Although he would be at a considerable financial loss , Serampore had a number of significant advantages : far more people , a good site only two hours boat journey from Calcutta , complete freedom to engage in evangelism and the chance to operate a printing press freely .
11 Although he would be glad to see the back of the lot of them , it was n't yet time .
12 Crawford had already clashed with Sherrin when told one week that Lewis and Dobereiner 's script was , unusually for them , not up to standard and , although he would be paid , he would not appear unless they provided a better one .
13 Waiting briefly for the lift he told himself that he was no more involved than he would be in any other case .
14 They stood looking at each other uncertainly , then Carrie made her way to the door and he heard her going upstairs , with considerably more skill than he would be able to muster .
15 It does n't seem to me from what I read of page thirty one of that inspector 's report that he was in any different position by the absence of the Policy E two than he would be if he 'd got it .
16 I thought that if I took him down to paddle for a while , it would cool him down and distract him , so he would be able to sleep .
17 He was a Valium addict who would try anything to obtain a supply of the drug — including pretending to overdose himself so he would be referred to psychiatry .
18 Counting the days and months until he would be twenty-one and could join Daisy and Joszef , happily settled in New York now .
19 I did n't answer the letter , but just counted the days and the hours until he would be home for the holidays ; they seemed interminable .
20 Whereupon he would be enrolled forthwith in the Tenth Company , of tyro Marines .
21 In February 1941 , he was approached by the Director of Religious Broadcasting at the BBC and asked if he would be prepared to give a series of broadcast talks on ‘ The Christian
22 Even then I doubt if he would be a threat to Morley Street .
23 It may not be money that he wants ; and even if he would be satisfied with money , it may be very hard to say what would be a fair compensation for his loss , and a jury may not be the most suitable body for assessing it .
24 He wondered , as he enjoyed a slice of cherry cake , if he would be able to exploit Eleanor into further baking .
25 ‘ Will you be staying ? ’ enquired Miss Harker as if he would be doing her an immense favour .
26 He wondered if he would be able to stand the lodging house for much longer .
27 As for Jessie herself , she had held her in her arms and reassured her that her Robbie would be all right , even though , from the scanty information given her by the nurse , she could n't know for sure if he would be .
28 So when this came up it was obviously advantageous to have some new tracks for the anthology and so we approached him and asked if he would be interested .
29 On another occasion , and because I felt he was a remote figure of whom the public knew nothing , I asked if he would be guest at an off-the-record private dinner-party to which I would invite half a dozen senior media people such as Robin Day , Perry Worsthorne of the Sunday Telegraph , and Tony Howard of the Observer for an exchange of views .
30 He was in a Niagara Falls jail yesterday waiting to hear if he would be sent back to Britain after being refused entry to America .
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