Example sentences of "[subord] he come out " in BNC.

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1 He went on a while about the various tests but where he came out was that she 'd been dead for at least five days , and seven was perfectly possible .
2 Once he came out of the Navy , Charles became a little more involved , but it was not really until the end of the decade , after Mountbatten 's death , when he was looking for a real job to do , that Charles took up the reins himself .
3 Guy 's parents asked if he would live , and were told that he would , but that the doctors would not know how much brain damage he might have suffered until he came out of the coma and regained consciousness .
4 When the Friar left the children beneath the tree he went hurriedly but surprisingly lightly for a man of his bulk through the bushes until he came out on a narrow path that twisted this way and that into a deep ravine both sides of which were dark with yews .
5 We had a name for that cove and we used to shout it outside his house until he came out and chased us away . ’
6 The loft covered an area the size of the house , with unused and shadowy places under the eaves which were unlikely to be investigated — particularly by Nigel , who , sadly , even if he came out of hospital would nevermore be able to climb the ladder .
7 Well if he came out on strike with us erm and we won if we won everything we g he 'd gain nothing in the end cos he 's in another section .
8 But they say e even if he came out very
9 If he comes out against , then it 's war .
10 If he do n't , if he comes out and decides to do something else he 's well and truly
11 ‘ Only since he came out of the psikhushka .
12 Torrance is renowned as one of the game 's finest strikers , but has had troubles on the greens since he came out on Tour in 1971 .
13 ‘ Yes , well there again , after he came out of the Army he was still doing a lot of movies , and I had a recording studio in Nashville ; D.J here was living there , too , doing sessions .
14 It was her only concession to family feeling , which had been severely strained during Terry 's stay with her after he came out of prison .
15 " That seems satisfactory , then — he can go straight to you after he comes out of hospital , " — Willis had been admitted to the Waterloo , where it was exceedingly difficult to get a bed , once more with the help of the nurses on Bluebird .
16 He would n't tell me and went straight into the bathroom there and it was ages before he came out .
17 He had to think for several seconds before he came out with , " Moi , je suis Italien . "
18 If , however , he were to arrive only to find Madeleine promised to someone else , he would have to suffer again those bitter pangs of regret he 'd endured before he came out to Blue Ash Farm .
19 ‘ He told me a fortnight before he came out that he 'd be coming to me . ’
20 Groping for the light switch , whose position he had not yet memorised perfectly , he saw the evening 's post still lying on the table in the hall where he had put it before he came out .
21 We gained his confidence and he came out under our guidance.He was depressed just before he came out
22 You become an MP 's secretary … just before he comes out .
23 Now Vernage is back behind bars and it will be at least 25 years before he comes out to scare anyone again .
24 Put perfume on before he comes out !
25 Thank you Chairman , I , I , I 'm rather amazed actually , at Colonel 's er , comments because er , in Stratton St Margaret there has been a sixty-one percent increase in crime , and a four and a half percent detection , decrease in the detection and prosecution of crime , and I was absolutely amazed when he come out with the figure that there 's going to be a seven hundred and fifty- three thousand pound shortfall in the police budget , when on the radio , in my car this morning , from a very reputable source of Wiltshire , there was a police officer on there this morning , saying how good they were in producing a freebee newspaper for distribution to every household in the county , to show the police offi , the Chief Constable 's report this year .
26 And I would say , I 'd maybe be about twenty or thirty yards away from the coach , and I 'd say to the shunter when he come out , That buckeye 's not caught .
27 Michael said it were there at erm five to twelve , when he erm quarter past twelve when he come out of work they got in it .
28 No Bishop of Durham could ever forget , or was ever allowed to forget , how one of his predecessors Westcott mediated in a bitter strike ; how a vast crowd stood outside Auckland Castle , seeing the owners through the windows of one room and the miners through the windows of another , waiting for five hours as they watched the bishop go to and fro between the two rooms ; until he brought the parties to a happy agreement , and when he came out among the crowd he received an ovation .
29 They went to see my husband in hospital and asked him to see them when he came out .
30 Charles had his own household to deal with his affairs which he had brought together when he came out of the forces .
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