Example sentences of "[subord] he get out " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He was n't the type to moan and asked us not to complain until he got out .
2 Completed shortly after he got out of the university , Nice Work retreated from academe to the extent of featuring a central character — Vic Wilcox , a dour Midlands MD — who , almost uniquely among his fictional creations , would not have read the novels of David Lodge .
3 you know after he gets out from here on a temporary basis sort of thing , so that erm Christopher says he 's gon na be doing it for a year this lecturing , but it 's very nice for him because he 'll be able to contact him and Bob will help him if it 's necessary
4 Before he gets out his scissors , repeat what you have agreed on , to check that you 're both talking the same language .
5 He took a long breath , becoming severely practical before he got out of his depth .
6 When he got out of the shop she saw that he could hardly walk .
7 He 'd give it back to her when he got out of the car .
8 When he got out , he had the feeling he was n't wanted and that as an infant he was a problem to his family — a feeling which he expressed publicly long before he became aware that his sister was really his mother .
9 Once when he got out , I cleaned his kennel , stupidly thinking he would come back .
10 When he got out of here , he would make that up .
11 When he got out of the car people would groan .
12 He came round when he got out and just stayed , like .
13 I 'd ask him to clean the bath when he got out or occasionally hoover , but he would n't so we rowed about that , especially after he got made redundant .
14 He jumped into the shower and felt a little better when he got out a few seconds later .
15 When he got out of the car , he could not walk .
16 ‘ You had your Terry here when he got out , and I 'm grateful to you because if it had n't been you , it would have had to be me , and with Dad the way he was , I was better out of the country .
17 When he got out of hospital , he left the Force .
18 A SOUTH Armagh man who told Newry Magistrates Court he was going to get married when he got out of prison , was told he ‘ could get married there now ’ by Regional Magistrate Gerry Harty .
19 Mrs Phillips said today : ‘ I was bringing him home from my daughter 's house when he got out of his cage .
20 Well see he , he was quite tall and when he got out he was a bit scruffy looking , and his shirt was hanging out below his jacket .
21 ‘ If only he 'd keep his mouth shut when he gets out of the car and stop whingeing .
22 He is on his fifth prison sentence , but this time he is determined to make a fresh start when he gets out .
23 Since he has been in Deerbolt , he has passed his GCSE 's and is now trying to get a place catering college when he gets out next year .
25 But I thought Ian might need a bit of support when he gets out . ’
26 If he drops dead when he gets out of hospital , we no longer care about him , as long as he survived .
27 When he gets out of bed he 's straight up .
28 Paul Newman , 36 , was killed a week ago as he got out of his car in Charity Lane , Eggington , Beds .
29 He almost groaned as he got out of bed .
30 She did not get up and come towards him as he got out , but waited until he had crossed the grass to sit down beside her on the wooden seat .
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