Example sentences of "[subord] at [art] other " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In fact , no disconnection was made at the fuse end , and although at the other relay end the old wire was disconnected , it was not cut back as it should have been , nor was it secured out of the way of its previous contact . ’
2 The situation in this respect is better for those at the younger end of the group than at the other , but a man or woman who was 40 in 1978 was only 10 in 1948 ; an impressionable age and a time before there was much relaxation in sexual codes .
3 If the magnetic field happens to be larger at one side than at the other side , then the beam will be deflected towards the weaker field which makes the field even weaker , etc. , leading to the so-called kink instability ( Fig. 3.3(b) ) .
4 Whatever else may or may not be happening in your life , the seeds of success are being planted in 1993 and , if at no other time , between November 13-15 you may get a hint of what they are .
5 It was then he knew for certain that the oriental he had just shot was not the one from whom he had wanted to exact retribution for injuring Pam — because at the other end of the corridor he found himself looking into the glittering black eyes of his hated enemy , Angel One .
6 because at the other side of the hill he can see well , life 's gon na be a lot easier
7 Bridgend did score a good try through Gareth Thomas from a tapped penalty , while at the other end Jones should really have kicked a second penalty after Jenkins had been penalised for treading heavily on Yendle .
8 While at the other extreme the Christ on the cross was not the Son of God who had made his peace , who had just sighed , ‘ All is accomplished , ’ but the still-human man whose body was racked in agony .
9 At one end of the spectrum of aims and aspirations stood the need to turn out adaptable workers , suitable for a developing labour-market ; while at the other end there was the desire to educate young people for their role as adults in the evolving mass democracy .
10 It is encouraging to see so much attention paid to the development of youth cricket with articles on the Essex Colts , the Indoor School , Kwik Cricket and the Essex Schools Cricket Association , while at the other end of the scale , there is an insight into the Essex Over-50 XI .
11 Thatched cottages cluster round the harbour while at the other end of the wide sandy beach Somerwest World offers a complete range of entertainment to holidaymakers and day visitors .
12 while at the other end its tail swayed
13 The Uranus-Neptune conjunction of February 2 , August 20 and October 24 indicates that at one end of the scale your dreams can at last come true , while at the other your illusions will be shattered .
14 Senna , on around £10 million a year , is at the top of the driver 's pay league , while at the other end there is not shortage of hustlers , pulling sponsorship deals of their own to buy seats with less wealthy teams .
15 The biggest job losses were in the semi-skilled operator groups , while at the other end of the skill and status spectrum , jobs for technicians , managers , scientists and engineers increased markedly .
16 One extreme assumption was that demand would mirror the demographic decline , while at the other extreme there would only be a shallow decline in demand due to increases in both the proportions of school leavers wanting to advance their education and in the number of mature entrants .
17 According to the mid-year estimates the ‘ remoter , largely rural districts ’ experienced their highest rates of net immigration between 1971 and 1974 , while at the other end of the national urban hierarchy London 's rate of net migration loss peaked as early as 1970/71 ( Champion , 1981b ; Britton , 1986 ) .
18 A large number of places , particularly the smaller cities and towns of southern England , have been on the receiving end of all three major migration streams , while at the other extreme the large cities , particularly those in northern England and Scotland ( the ‘ urban north ’ ) , have acted as the main reservoir from which these flows have been drawn .
19 Father Crispin and Master Buckingham were also visible , while at the other end of the table were Lady Maude and Benedicta , between them the young nobleman who had made his intentions so blatantly obvious earlier in the day .
20 Jewellery replied quickly and Amison and Plant were forced to take on extra defensive duties while at the other end , captain Tony Elkin , brother Kevin and Paul Moran were well in control for Barlaston .
21 ‘ Walk A is the longest and hardest option covering eight miles and a 3,000 feet ascent while at the other end of the scale a D class walk would cover the same distance but ascend just 1,500 feet . ’
22 At one extreme the mighty Severn powers its way to the Bristol Channel , while at the other a Yorkshire brook gurgles across moorland .
23 At one end the Council may approve a proposed course on the basis of the documents submitted by the College and without a visit to it , while at the other end the Council may consider a proposed course in full detail as at present .
24 At one extreme there is the abstract tax theorist who analyses with great sophistication the introduction of subtle variations on ‘ ( 1-t ) ’ into his or her equations , while at the other there are those applying the percentage of an academic 's book purchase price that is tax-deductible .
25 opposite the ‘ Old Pack Horse ’ , whilst at the other Chiswick High Road corner — Heathfield Terrace junction — an obelisk was erected as a permanent War Memorial , around which Memorial Services have been held ever since .
26 Near the window was a small pair of scales with polished brass weights whilst at the other end of the counter was a larger pair with iron weights used for the vegetables which were kept in the left hand corner of the shop .
27 In some instances boards decided that working on board business was sufficient training , whilst at the other end of the spectrum a combination of approaches was used , including the SOED units , talks by members of staff , school visits and attendance at area training sessions .
28 At one end of the spectrum a work will be produced using a computer as a tool , just as a writer uses a pen or a typewriter , whilst at the other end the computer will produce its works with little or no direct human effort .
29 As fashions change , so at one end of the depot we are selling stores whilst at the other end we are replacing them .
30 In the eleventh century , they were one of two nomadic tribes to erupt into sudden and ferocious activity , for at the other end of the Mediterranean , the Seljuk Turks poured into Asia Minor .
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