Example sentences of "[subord] i see [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore if I see my task as a teacher in terms of the development of thinking skills , should I not concentrate upon those procedures which are appropriate to particular academic disciplines ?
2 But I mean if I see if I see my daughter I , I go do you know what I say to her ?
3 One needs tact : to say , ‘ I hear you better if I see your face ’ is more promising than telling the boss he mumbles , even if he does !
4 ‘ — because if I see your face , I swear — ‘
5 ‘ I had an idea , but I was n't sure until I saw your reaction when her name was mentioned . ’
6 Strangely enough , it did n't occur to me as being odd until I saw my mother frantically spraying the room one day .
7 Cos I saw their horses and which I think are Moira 's .
8 And , I forget the name , it 's , the chappie was still Judge there , cos I saw his name recently .
9 I know he is , that 's why I get so irritated with him cos I see my failings in him so clearly !
10 Well I do n't know whether Nick went today cos I see his car .
11 I should not yield to theirs unless I see its point and come to agree with them .
12 I was never aware of being frightened as a child because I saw his fits many times .
13 It 's such ages since I saw my foster family and … and friends , but I 'll be back , Cora-Beth , you can be sure of that .
14 I had n't even dared go near Furnival Gardens since I saw my old man for the second rime .
15 ‘ Because I 've been worried sick ever since I saw your car . ’
16 Even today , decades after I saw my first such microscope slide , I still think them extravagantly beautiful and can easily get lost in contemplation of the cellular thicket the microscope reveals , made the more intriguing by the curious , almost three-dimensional effect the stain gives ; as it brings into vision only a few of the total population of the neurons present , the cells seem to stand out like trees in a winter mist ( Figure 10.6 ) .
17 I saw no signs and had gone a few miles before I saw my first human being .
18 Do you know who I might see , I might see that girl , Michelle who lived 'cos I saw her last Thursday , she was in the classroom next to us .
19 When I saw her crying , with her neck all swollen , I wanted to lash out at the doctor who 'd done this to her .
20 Do you know she 's now , she was quite cuddly , she was fat in the pregnancy when I saw her last time .
21 In the it 's only just till the rep comes he said , when I saw her last week she said like you know , he had n't been if he
22 When I saw my friend Bob Hope in some comedy or other at the age of six I provided him with an imaginary wife , who was called ‘ Nothing ’ .
23 That was the first occasion when I saw my exercising as an irritating use of time , because it got in the way of our friendship .
24 The oil lamp beside his bed had been extinguished , and when I saw my father glance disapprovingly at the lamp I had brought to guide me up the rickety staircase , I quickly lowered the wick .
25 I became concerned when I saw my husband becoming a different person .
26 The price of a full season ticket was going to be as much as a term 's school fees , and when I saw my father 's horrified face , I said , ‘ I can cycle . ’
27 I was nervous in the dressing room but once on the pitch and with the thrill of being presented to the Princess Royal it felt just great and I have never been so proud in my life , especially when I saw my sister , Kirsty , up in the stand .
28 When I saw my first period I was scared to death .
29 I once played James ‘ Rocky ’ Mountain of the FBI in a ‘ Children 's Hour ’ programme , and when I saw my name in the Radio Times I just stared at it for ages .
30 When I saw my picture on the front page of the local newspaper I knew it meant trouble . ’
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