Example sentences of "[subord] i [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Could you tell me the name of the maple that has interesting white-striped branches and trunk , and where I might be able to purchase one ?
2 It struck me as I fumblingly dialled the number that it would be better to go out to a kiosk , where I would be more sure of privacy , but having come to this decision I only wanted to hurry , hurry — every minute 's delay seemed dangerous .
3 ‘ I 'm not even going to ask how many phone calls you made to find where I would be staying — ’
4 But , alas , one 's head must be permitted to rule , and so I will say only this : a little house where I may be safe , with an income to enable me at least to enjoy the comforts of life , if not its luxuries .
5 Where I 'll be is right here in Liskeard , for the most part seated at this very desk . ’
6 There were lessons all around me about what I should be doing , where I should be going , but I chose to ignore them .
7 I 'll go where I should be — with my spiders in Asia . ’
8 Feeling deliciously convalescent , I pottered about in pyjamas , weak yet fortified by the knowledge that I was in a sympathetic house where I could be waited on , and had no appointments of any kind .
9 Going to the first GLF meeting brought together these two aspects of myself as I saw for the first time the emotional need to have a context where I could be open and proud of my gayness , as well as the political context where my sexuality would seem relevant to all the other things that were going on around me at work and in the country at large .
10 I just wanted a business where I could be independent — ’
11 I would phone twice a day , and , of course , I would leave you a complete itinerary where I could be reached if you needed me . ’
12 ( In the far distance are the snow-capped peaks of the Bolivian Cordillera Real where I will be heading soon . )
13 I will be keeping you up-to-date on Singer events and also ‘ manning ’ an information desk at all the main knitting exhibitions , where I will be able to help and advise you .
14 ‘ Is — is that where I will be ? ’
15 Shame on me for this is the first issue of SR I 've ever read ( Nov ) , but I hope it will not be the last , for may I say , I think I may have at last found a space where I can be heard — most women 's magazines shun the type of letter I submit — not cosy enough for their letters pages , I suspect .
16 Neneh Cherry , daughter of a restless soul , has always dreamt of a place called home , ‘ that happy little space where I can be free ’ .
17 I 'll give you a number where I can be reached in any emergency . ’
18 Glass guiding me where I must be going .
19 Although I may be seeming to make light of my brain 's struggles , there is a serious side to it .
20 The methods also suggest a similar technique , although I may be stretching a point . ’
21 Although I may be a bad man , I 'd never bribe anyone to marry , as you 've tried to .
22 If my servant , acting bona fide within the scope of his authority , procures or causes me to break a contract which I have made with you , you can not sue the servant for interference with the contract ; for he is my alter ego here , and I can not be sued for inducing myself to break a contract , although I may be liable for breaking the contract .
23 Although I may be forced to . ’
24 Although I may be mistaken .
25 Apart from the public launch , the campaign seems to have not been extended to seeking actual local authority support , although I may be wrong on this .
26 Leeds bought him 2 years ago I think … although I may be wrong — he was nt on schoolboy forms or anything .
27 Although I would be one of the first to congratulate anyone who can demonstrate the reality of ley lines , the recent article by Paul Devereux and Robert Forrest ( ’ Straight lines on an ancient landscape , ’ 23 December .
28 Although I would be the last to claim that small businesses are without their problems , it is a great tribute to the entrepreneurs and to the small business men of this country that they can deal with difficult circumstances in such a way .
29 ‘ After I 've examined your ankle for damage , put a crêpe bandage round it if necessary , and discussed my proposed project a little further , you may certainly phone for a cab if you wish , although I shall be happy to drive you back myself at that stage . ’
30 But Maggie Mukasa , 39 and a schoolteacher , said : ‘ Although I will be better off , I am very disappointed by the outcome .
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