Example sentences of "[subord] i [vb past] only " in BNC.

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1 Only then the nymphs were retreating at speed , in a flurry of droplets and giggles , so I got only fleeting views of slender backs and rounded behinds .
2 If only I was this , if I 'd only said that , done the other — why always ME ?
3 It was as if I 'd only just found him , except that now I 'd start to wail like a baby if someone so much as knocked my little finger .
4 If I 'd only realized sooner — ’
5 It 's as if I 'd only seen him at twilight ; and now suddenly I see him at dawn .
6 If I 'd only met you in the first place … before Bella , and … well … ’
7 as if I 'd only been half awake before so no wonder I could n't do anything . ’
8 If I 'd only thought …
9 if I 'd only been there when he died , I 'd of hold his hands , blah , blah , oh God , poor lass
10 Then , just to get you really thinking , you answer a second crucial question : What would I do if I had only six months to live ?
11 If I had only said ‘ Yes ’ then Farrah would today be home with her mum where she belongs . ’
12 If I had only known — if only Isabelle could have forced herself to tell me . ’
13 Cos I was sort of like listening to my music and it was , I think it was about half eight , nine o'clock cos I 'd only got some homework done for ne , to do for next Tuesday , so I thought I 'll leave it
14 And because I had only one chair , we used to sit on the edge of the hard , narrow bed and draw up the table so that we could write on it together .
15 He looked distraught , on the edge of tears , and I was ashamed at once , because I had only suggested divorce to punish him .
16 ‘ I still ca n't work out how they got away with it because I 'd only left it outside the tent for a few moments before it vanished .
17 Especially since I 'd only just arrived back from Paris . ’
18 I was excited to use it since I had only painted onto a stretched canvas once before , and I stretched it eagerly and tightly .
19 Whilst I worked only daring to place sexism at centre stage , it was difficult to give racism its rightful place in our considerations .
20 I met him at a dance held in the Airmen 's Mess ( so romantic ! ) , when I 'd only been at Binbrook three weeks .
21 I felt a momentary regret for all the waves I would never ride , when I had only just learned how .
22 I did n't at the time know where to , but when I had only about two months to go I too was posted , to Scampton near Lincoln , and who was the first person I saw when I booked into the Waaf Guard Room ?
23 I also went there when I had only the vaguest knowledge of what I wanted .
24 I was really deeply moved as I had only seen such a thing before in religious pictures .
25 This was to be my first climb on ‘ real rock , ’ as I had only experienced exercises on short problems in an old gritstone quarry during the previous winter .
26 As I had only very limited experience in writing in output terms , the process was exacting and extremely slow progress was made initially .
27 There are some bad things , as I have said , and it can be dangerous at times too as I discovered only recently .
28 As I earned only enough to pay for my childminder my father paid my train fares .
29 This was just as well , for I saw only just in time a hen crossing my path in the most leisurely manner .
30 I tried to recall friends ' telephone numbers as an exercise , but astonishingly , though I had only been away from home for fifteen days , could only manage my own , my sister 's and my mother-in-law 's .
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