Example sentences of "[subord] i [verb] do " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't know anything except I 've done something unforgivable and you have to help me undo it .
2 I had no intention to going into the art business and although I had done ‘ extra art ’ at school , I sully intended going on the stage .
3 Then you go back and you think : ‘ Well , although I 've done my best , maybe I have to find that little bit extra as a black person . ’
4 ‘ She 's a real feisty northern woman and that was nice for me because although I 've done a lot of different work , because of my television work , I tend to be thought of as the rather middle-class , bouncy , girl next door type .
5 Those Marshalls sure sound great , ’ but although I 'd done the work on them it did n't really help me a lot .
6 Although I tried to do this visualization several times a day , I found it best and most rewarding first thing in the morning when I and my mind were fresh .
7 ‘ I am treated as a big failure to my parents and am seen as unworthy , although I have done nothing wrong . ’
8 Secondly , whenever I go into the window mode , the system freezes and even Ctrl=Break wo n't work , although I have did set BREAK=ON before running the software .
9 I think once more , but now for the last time , I 'm going to turn back again to the preface to The Reason of Church Government and whoops and read you one more sentence erm in which he is apologizing once more for having entered the fray , the political fray ‘ But although a poet , soaring in the high region of his fancies , with his garland and singing robes about him , might without apology speak more of himself than I mean to do , yet for me , sitting here below in the cool element of prose , a mortal thing among many readers of no imperial conceit , to venture and divulge unusual things of myself , I shall petition to the gentler sort it may not be envy to me . ’
10 It was even just possible that I should have to spend more of the war in this country than I had done in my own .
11 Since I was working from this book I read the introduction more carefully than I had done previously .
12 For two weeks afterwards I cried more than I had done in my whole life .
13 With the bruises and a three-day beard , I was told I looked even more like him than I had done .
14 But I found Eliot quieter and calmer than I had done recently , when he had begun to sign letters ‘ in haste ’ .
15 ‘ I 've wanted to do much better than I 've done .
16 I 've also adopted the philosophy that I must develop somebody to do my job better than I have done it .
17 I feel better about it now than I have done since the accident , ’ she admitted .
18 ‘ I just concentrated on the job in hand and felt better than I have done for months .
19 When I awake , the sickness has gone , but the high has remained and I feel fitter than I have done in the whole of our visit .
20 I killed him for no more reason than I wanted to do it .
21 I did n't fancy his biscuits , so I made do with some toast .
22 And that got me into the last three so I had to do it all again at the Barbican which I think was to see if I could fill that theatre with enough presence and vocal range .
23 ‘ I 'm one of those people who can eat and drink what I like and not put on weight , so I had to do it by weight training and build up the muscle weight , ’ he adds .
24 I could n't kick a door if I was sat on the bloody latch so I had to do something else . ’
25 So I plan to do a couple of hours ’ writing in the morning then go off and have a swim in the afternoon .
26 I had no prospects , so I decided to do my thirty .
27 Anyway , one day me and my mates were all going to a party so I decided to do a home perm .
28 ‘ It 's a French waltz , and it 's a bit made , ’ says she with a disarming grin , ’ so I decided to do it ! ’
29 I was n't really getting anywhere , so I started doing chequebooks and cards ( amongst other things ) .
30 If I ca n't , I 'll be really upset so I have to do everything step by step ’
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