Example sentences of "[subord] for [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such a lightning-spattered ending is found , for example , in Passionate Summer ( 1958 ) , where for most of the film the schoolteacher on a Caribbean Island has been keeping at bay the emotions directed towards him by a troubled pupil , the headmaster 's wife and an air hostess .
2 Edwards ( 1979 , 16 ) , for example , characterises the situation as one where for most of the twentieth century management have met ‘ chronic resistance to their effort to compel production ’ and consequently ‘ have attempted to organize production in such a way as to minimise opportunities for resistance and even to alter workers ’ perceptions of the desirability of opposition ’ .
3 Except for that of the tug being " swallowed up " , these metaphors are expressed through modifying adjectives .
4 except for that of the wind , which was continual
5 The elections had been called in early October [ see p. 37724 ] after President Wojciech Jaruzelski , the last remaining communist head of state in eastern Europe except for that of Albania , had agreed to resign just over a year into his six-year term and to transfer power to a freely elected head of state .
6 On Dec. 20 , 1991 , Berisha had announced that the DP would be presenting candidates in all 100 constituencies , except for that of the SPA-appointed President , Ramiz Alia , " since it 's he who will carry out the reforms " .
7 England , on the other hand , had a comparatively short Romanesque period of development following an extensive Saxon one but a very long and a unique building period in Gothic architecture emerging into a tardy Renaissance , nearly the last in Europe except for that of the Iberian peninsula .
8 For the mid-nineteenth-century observer all history coexisted at the same time , except for that of the ancient civilisations and empires such as classical antiquity , which had been ( literally ) buried , awaiting the spades of H. Schliemann ( 1822–90 ) in Troy and Mycenae or Flinders Petrie ( 1853–1942 ) in Egypt .
9 If individuals in the society ( except for those at the very top and the very bottom of the social ladder ) are socially mobile in each direction to some extent , then the " continuum " can be seen as consisting of a collection of individuals whose linguistic competences in intermediate varieties ( or " lects " ) overlap to form an unbroken chain linking the archetypal Creole ( or " basilect " ) with the Standard ( or " acrolect " ) .
10 If the secretary of state approves , the compensation is assessed on the assumption that neither planning permission nor listed building consent would be given for any works to the building except for those for restoring it to , and maintaining it in , a proper state of repair ; in short , all development value is excluded .
11 Most of Lincolnshire 's schools are small by national standards , except for those in Lincoln itself .
12 Few , except for those in museums seem to have survived .
13 Market forces should , as far as possible , reign supreme and welfare state arrangements should be minimized or eliminated altogether , except for those in dire need .
14 Most of the systems disappeared during the transition , except for those in the accounting department .
15 The only requirement for bringing software under LIFESPAN control is that each source file ( except for those in the FOREIGN-SET ) must contain a module header .
16 Except for some of the younger birds , Stan told us , which stay on until April .
17 Local hierarchy did not always read off academic excellence as the desired end of local practice , so that there was less concern in these rural areas for the fate of the top few than for that of the majority .
18 Take food hygiene : it is cheaper for a large council to set up a laboratory to service several districts than for each of the districts to have its own .
19 The other source of inspiration — and indeed guidance — for the research was an experiment by William Hayward and his colleagues at the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York ( Nature , vol 290 , p 475 ) , Their work on a virus-induced lymphoma of birds inspired the researchers to look specifically for the myc gene — rather than for any of the 13 other known proto-oncogenes .
20 However , restrictions are placed on the power of management to combat a hostile takeover bid , for fear that they might act only in their own interests rather than for those of the company or its shareholders .
21 Thus although items from the second half of the 20th Century did appear to suffer from less serious deterioration than those from its first half ( with no post-1950 material being considered ‘ Fragile ’ ) , of all defective 20th Century publications noted , 7% were ‘ Fragile ’ , whereas the comparable figure for 19th Century publications was only 2% , and even if the proportion of defective items placed in the category of least deterioration — ‘ Poor ’ — was smaller for 19th Century items than for those of the 20th Century ( 76% as opposed to 80% ) , the difference was extremely slight .
22 In a development which can also be seen in Zimbabwe , inflationary pressures have been greater for low-income urban households than for those with high incomes .
23 It appears to be much more severe for women with no educational qualifications and low occupational attainments than for those with sufficient qualifications to gain entry to the less-segregated non-manual ( non-sales ) sector of the labour market .
24 It shows that the relative risks of mortality for children in social classes IV and V were higher than for those in classes I and II for all age groups , although the difference was not statistically significant at ages 10–15 .
25 Fourth , opportunities for further in-service training should be more generous for further education teachers than for those in schools and , in any event , they should be at least on the same scale .
26 In every country that published relevant national statistics , maternal age has a strong effect on maternal mortality , showing a much higher risk of dying of maternity related causes for those nearer the limits of the childbearing period than for those in their prime childbearing ages .
27 The new system definitely means a reduction in employee mobility : appointments and promotions in state stations are frequently politically and ethnically motivated , and the chances of success for local people are greater than for those from other states .
28 The country exports between 75% and 85% of its output , much of it to Europe , and transport costs are a much larger element than for most of its competitors .
29 If he opts for a basic valuation , for which he pays a lower fee than for either of the other two , he will normally receive a copy .
30 This is not just an historical curiosity , although for much of the fifth century Sparta and Persia had no attested dealings .
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