Example sentences of "[subord] it [vb mod] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The draft Structure Plan Review will assess the requirement for new housing land and decide , in general terms , where it ought to be located .
2 There 's a lovely great open space , where it used to be all wood , which if you had plenty of money and could have enough gardeners could be made very exciting . ’
3 It was recorded as a fulling mill , although it may at least in part have been a grist mill .
4 Although it may at first feel as though you will always be the new member of staff , or that you will never stop asking questions , most returners express appreciation and gratitude for the support and practical help offered by colleagues , and for the warm welcome extended to them on their return .
5 Quine 's response is instructive , although it may at first seem dismissive .
6 The decision of the Divisional Court in the Manchester Corporation case is not binding on this court and , although it may in the event have reached a conclusion with which I would now agree , I find the reasoning by which that conclusion was reached wholly unconvincing .
7 Finally , the revenue has contended that the proper procedure was for Woolwich to seek to challenge its decision not to pay interest by way of judicial review , although it would of course contend that no order should be made on such a review in the present case .
8 Thus , although it would in principle be possible to use the producer price indices for measuring the rate of inflation , it is more appropriate to regard them as indicators of the likely future trend of inflation .
9 All the rotaries , as with any noise gate , take a little time to get into using and effective gating comes about through practice , although it can at times appear something of a black art .
10 The leader takes account of these responses in choosing its output and is able to do better than it would under Cournot reactions there is a ‘ first mover ’ or precommitment advantage .
11 Mercury 's distance from the Sun , varying from between 29 and 43 million miles , would make the Sun seem three times bigger in the Mercurian sky than it would on Earth .
12 It looks a lot better on me than it would on you .
13 Water is eight hundred times as dense as air , and the slightest bump or protuberance on the body can cause drag , more even than it would on a bird or an aeroplane .
14 That means that the irrelevant suggestions being made by the European Commission for mandatory information for and consultation with employees would bear much more heavily on British business than it would on our major competitors .
15 He said the council tax bill for expensive properties would be a much smaller percentage of the house value than it would on cheaper housing where the majority of people live .
16 Expanding output would add more to consumer benefit than it would to production costs or the opportunity cost of the resources used .
17 An award of damages will no more be denied to a person vulnerable and predisposed to mental illness than it would to the victim of physical injury with an eggshell skull .
18 Being told in a spiteful , truculent way that you 're not perfect rings louder bells for you than it would for most .
19 This , in most cases , is all the protection the company needs , but it will pay much less for it than it would for a standard policy .
20 A horse that has had no exercise all day is less likely to stand still for the farrier than one that has just been ridden ; and a youngster that has never been ridden out on the road before will be considerably more nervous if it goes alone than it would with a companion .
21 On the other hand , the marriage does not itself have support from wider society : ‘ There is less pressure for a couple to stay together because their break-up has little impact outside the domestic sphere and causes fewer ripples than it would in a society where kinship is more central to the wider social organization ’ ( Allan , 1985 , p. 104 ) .
22 It would be false to infer ( any more than it would in comparable modern cases ) that such management made a mockery of the deliberations as a whole .
23 In particular , unsteadiness may set in at much lower Ra than it would in their absence .
24 State agencies other then the Ministry of Internal Affairs , furthermore , either had become convinced that the government would run more risks by abandoning reform than it would by continuing with it , or were acquiring ministers whose commitment to change was actually greater than that of their predecessors .
25 The idea of ‘ accidentally sparkling ’ Champagne is far more plausible than it may at first seem .
26 ‘ In the mind ’ is therefore a more complex term than it may at first seem .
27 No cleverer than it ought to be
28 I will be arguing in this address that we have been as guilty as many other sections of our community in treating it too lightly , or in putting it lower down in our order of priorities than it ought to be ; but it has never been entirely absent from Christian thought or theology .
29 There were plenty of vile smells , and the train was colder than it ought to be .
30 And although a green glow that is weaker than it ought to be might mean that some of the cells in the area are turning malignant , it might also mean that the operator has the end of the bronchoscope too far from the target , or pointing at an awkward angle .
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