Example sentences of "[subord] only because they " in BNC.

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1 These results do not require us to dispense with the idea of an internal body clock , if only because they appear very rarely in experiments lasting only a week or so .
2 She really wanted him to teach the swimming , believing that they might achieve for Nails , even if only because they were frightened not to ; that was the reason she had made herself be nice to him , inviting him to come up when Miss Bedwelty came .
3 If only because they could be witnesses .
4 If only because they were alive , she wanted it .
5 If only because they are the sole member of their order , the Dermoptera , which means ‘ skin-winged ’ , the colugos must take pride of place .
6 In a war-time article on Smollett he remarked that several writers had recently tried to ‘ revive the picaresque tradition ’ , instancing Waugh and Aldous Huxley — adding that the experiment had not been entirely happy , if only because they had betrayed a sense of strain in an effort to be shocking .
7 Bilateral agreements may hold out more promise , if only because they are easier to administer .
8 But do n't expect your fellow students to constitute a representative cross-section of the community at large — if only because they contain an above-average proportion of younger people and others who are most able to sustain continuous study and to benefit from college education .
9 By contrast , policemen are interested only in what happened on one particular occasion in the past , which they are not able to recreate in laboratory conditions if only because they do not know what happened .
10 Pop videos themselves are consistently reactionary in their sexual imagery ( and this is an aspect of the cooption of new pop to which I will return ) if only because they draw on visual conventions of masculinity and femininity ( taken from cinema history and television commercials ) that are much more coherent than pop 's adolescent ambiguities .
11 Such explanations were comforting , if only because they pointed forward to the ultimate vindication of medical science .
12 In 1990 , although none of the damage was as concentrated in its severity , in many respects the results were just as bad , if only because they were more widespread .
13 Politically , the judicial conception of the public interest tends to embrace the promotion of certain views normally associated with the Conservative Party and there is a greater likelihood that Labour Governments will encounter challenges through the courts if only because they tend to be more interventionist and to challenge the status quo .
14 Given the considerable cost of setting up new regional machinery of its own , it seems likely that NAB will turn for help to existing structures and , of these , the RACs seem by far the most likely candidates , if only because they will serve to ensure the close involvement of the LEAs .
15 GPs ' reports are rarely of much help , if only because they do not have the time or the experience to write useful reports and usually resent doing them .
16 The two fresh contenders of greatest interest , if only because they were not even in the side when Scotland trounced Ireland at Murrayfield , are Peter Clohessy on the tight-head — a player who incurred the wrath of Australia 's Bob Dwyer but who was held to have made quite an impact on the Lions ' top brass versus Wales — and the young stand-off , Eric Ellwood .
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