Example sentences of "[subord] his [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 In Robert Roberts 's farming family this seems to have been the accepted practice on both sides : later on , as a young farm servant , he went to work for an uncle where his mother 's parents still lived in the farmhouse .
2 He , like Handel , ended his days in London ; where his father 's instruments were disposed of is also a mystery .
3 After the first shooting , father-of-two Pringle , 24 , raced back to Lyonette Road , Darlington , where his girlfriend 's mother Pauline was shot in the face .
4 From the shops it was a short visit to the launderette , where his week 's supply of dirty washing had been cleaned , pressed and packed for him by the friendly woman who supervised the place .
5 Although his wife 's chintz chaircovers bring on a certain nausea whenever I am obliged to call . "
6 Two minor points need to be noted — firstly that Charles himself was , in April 1660 , already dating documents ‘ in the twelfth year of our reign ’ , and secondly that although his father 's sovereignty terminated on 30 January ( 1649 ) , his own did not begin as though immediately following .
7 His face was small and his head no bigger than his Adam 's apple .
8 But he knows his code number is 5 bigger than his friend 's .
9 THE TITLE of America 's wealthiest person bestowed each year by Forbes magazine has passed to John Kluge , a media baron from Virginia less known for his billions than his wife 's passion for the British royal family .
10 He half rose and the Bishop , looking round , found a chair higher than his wife 's stool and sat on it .
11 More concerned that this reflected on his own abilities than his tutor 's zest , Leonard telephoned his residence at Bowdy House , in the poorer district of Montreal .
12 WHEN Chester Zoo 's latest arrival needed some special care , no one was happier than his keeper 's pet dog .
13 He kept excellent written records , but his guidance on salesmanship was of less use than his colleague 's .
14 More than his job 's worth , I suppose , though these Copts are always tight-mouthed as well as tight-fisted .
15 HUNKY Hawk may have muscles bigger than his baby 's head — but tiny Tyrus still reduced the Gladiator to tears .
16 The teacher suggested that Mrs Singh could help by reading with him , Mrs Singh to read one line , Jeetinder the next ; she was evidently unaware of the possibility that Jeetinder 's reading could be more competent than his mother 's .
17 There were fewer of them and they were shorter than his mother 's and none of them was dated beyond giving a day of the week .
18 Though the court of Louis was surely bilingual in Romance and Germanic , Charles 's birthplace ( and hence the implied origin of his nurse — which may be more relevant here than his mother 's ) , and the likely residence-pattern of his early years suggest ( again paradoxically for a future " French " king ) that his native language was , as in Walahfrid 's case , a form of German .
19 For some reason , Abel 's offering seemed to go down much better with God than his brother 's did .
20 All this suggests that when he started work on Clairvaux Richard anticipated the Viscount 's hostility rather than his brother 's .
21 As a Fellow of Magdalen he earned £500 a year , considerably more than his father 's allowance of £210 .
22 His eldest surviving son , Coleridge 's father , was born in 1719 and attended the Grammar School at Crediton ; but when bankruptcy brought the family low , the younger John , not quite sixteen years of age , ‘ walked off to seek his fortune ’ , taking with him no more than his father 's blessing and half a crown .
23 Instead of the usual embarrassed note next morning , she leaves him the fragmentary manuscript of Rory 's own Crow Road : a folder of gnomic jottings and descriptions that represents a more substantial legacy than his father 's .
24 What it should be , More than his father 's death , that thus hath put him , So much from th'understanding of himself , I can not dream of .
25 ROS : Something more than his father 's death —
26 He told us once his sister 's girl had married a Frenchman . ’
27 Perhaps the contributor to the " Glasgow Geography " in 1825 writing of the Scottish peasant was correct when he said , " By the time he has reached the age of ten years , he has by heart , as it is called , the whole Catechism , the metrical version of the Psalms , and is pretty well versed in the Bible … and by the time he arrives at the years of maturity , to the " big ha' Bible once his father 's pride , and the Westminster Confession of Faith , he has added Pool , Henry 's Commentary , Gillespie 's Aaron 's Rod Blossoming , the Faithful Contendings of the Church of Scotland , Boston 's Fourfold State , and if he can afford them the works of Jonathan Edwards . "
28 If I had to nominate Leeds 's MOM I would say Dorigo ( Cos his Mum 's reading ) .
29 Until his party 's death , a hereditary peer , Lord Milford , was the sole Communist in parliament .
30 Unsurprisingly , Socks was fine until his owner 's presidential victory exposed him to the unwelcome attention of the world 's media and turned his little world upside down .
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