Example sentences of "[subord] she [modal v] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anything but to raise her eyes and see him there where she ought to be .
2 In some ways it was easier having him around where she could at least keep an eye on what he was doing .
3 Although she will in fact serve her last few shifts at the new community hospital at Treloar 's , it was her wish to hold her retirement party at Alton General Hospital before it closed .
4 She 's obviously a slag , no better than she ought to be . ’
5 But wisely Mrs Christie saw that she would have much more difficulty seeing the world through juvenile spectacles than she would through Belgian ones .
6 She was more relaxed than she used to be but still , in Dexter 's view , judged herself too harshly .
7 But Anya 's a better judge of character than she used to be , back in the old homeland .
8 She was more tired than she used to be , that was all .
9 Cos she ought to be down there this morning did n't she ?
10 yeah , when I was baptized , she probably stayed there till I was baptized , cos she would of been Yorkie
11 and er got , no we never had one cos Les said no I remember we did n't get one this week , cos she would of had a look through you know
12 we 'll talk to Sue Dave that needs to be , to find out if we can , what 's happening elsewhere cos she can through her colleagues and I will also I I do n't think I 'll ring Margaret but I 'll give Terry a ring Morden who 's the record of achievement guy there and get on quite well with him just to find out what sort of tap they 're taking on it cos er yeah , I I take very much what Sandra 's saying as do n't want our youngsters to be disadvantaged in anyway if others are lies , damn lies and
13 His chief failing was a habit of cracking heavy pedantic jokes ; he was unable to let a good idea drop , and remarked several times during the course of the film that the heroine looked like she ought to be playing the horse .
14 I wish she was here , sitting next to me on the bench , holding my hand like she used to .
15 ‘ Oh no , it 's not like that , but she 's parky , she still does n't eat like she used to .
16 She did , if she 'd of been married I think , she was , she was n't
17 yeah but if she 'd of had the accident they could of said no , she 's got a C D ten on her driving licence , she should n't have been driving it !
18 If if she 'd of had her way she would of been the dictator of this
19 er Rose would of had all four if she 'd of known about it earlier
20 She got this pink wool like angora twenty five pence a ball , so she started that , then she come on er , no Tuesday , with that she bought some needles cos if she 'd of had some more needles I could of done this one for er , now she 's got the back and er sleeve done I think , half a sleeve done I think
21 And Paula , if she will to second the resolution .
22 She wonders if she will in fact see her son , since a tender has come off the track down the line .
23 If she should by chance ever read these words , I think she would confirm not merely that this was how he spoke but that I have not misrepresented her reactions .
24 Her marriage to Prince Charles gave her a new security , not only in giving her status , but also because she could at first rely on him as something of a father figure , or at any rate a slightly square older brother .
25 Erm , with mum i i i is fine because she could from my point of view so , and also as regards the , if anything happens to me , then she gets a pension from the bank she gets
26 It 's so sad because she used to be such a lively and outgoing person .
27 She called her a tart and a slut because she used to be married to a black man from South Carolina who sang basso at charity concerts all over Yorkshire and Lancashire and dropped dead at the Sun Hotel in Eccleshill in 1927 .
28 FITNESS enthusiast Angelina Arnott was turned away from a women 's health club because she used to be a man .
29 She 's over there because she used to be on the erm
30 ( Elizabeth said that she was not quite sure whether she ought to be pleased when I told her this ; but I am sure she was pleased . )
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