Example sentences of "[subord] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I had n't the least idea where on the head was the best place to hit or how hard it had to be .
2 This is why , with baits that differ in size , weight , and where on the bottom they lie in regard to cleanliness , we have to use various permutations of length of bite indication , that is to say , the amount of free line we allow it to take before striking .
3 ( 2 ) Where on the election of a chairman an equal number of votes is given for two or more persons , the meeting shall determine by lot which of those persons shall be the chairman .
4 Where on the map are the main markets for each of the products ?
5 The first tactical decision is over where on the line you start .
6 At the end of April , all three withdrew from the election after being placed low down in a kind of primary contest held among the United Left 's Madrid rank-and-file to help decide who should go where on the list of candidates put before the capital 's voters ( a candidate 's position is crucial to his chances of a seat ) .
7 And where on the face of this earth would you find such an exceptional price ?
8 to sit , except on the bed .
9 The Family Cat are the support band for the tour , except on the opening Irish dates .
10 I was still not allowed out of doors , except on the lawn on fine days , and it must not have been the good luck of many ‘ fishy ’ characters to have had their letters posted by one of ‘ Their Lordships . ’
11 He listened , but he did not involve himself in the affairs of his friends , except on the level of gossip .
12 On the east coast the spits are generally directed towards the south , e.g. Orford Ness , except on the north Norfolk coast , where Blakeney Point is directed westwards .
13 Outside the wall , except on the north side , where the river came to its foot , there appears to have been only a single ditch , some 6.5 m ( 21 ft ) wide and 2.5 m ( 8 ft ) deep , which had been truncated by the medieval ditch ; it is most likely to have been contemporary with the early rampart .
14 Except on the way back .
15 The interior is simple and has now hardly any painting or mosaic except on the floor .
16 This identity of provincial synods with convocations was strengthened because such synods were seldom assembled thereafter except on the king 's initiative and for the principal purpose of consenting to royal taxation .
17 He 's not very talkative except on the subject of his plants .
18 A charter in 1033 , granting the manor of Patrington to the Archbishop of York , describes the boundaries of the manor which , except on the south where changes have taken place along the river Humber , appear to coincide with the present boundaries of the parish .
19 We paid her my first big visit in Brooklyn , she had n't met me except on the phone .
20 That has been welcomed everywhere except on the Opposition Benches .
21 In July 1931 he declared that he could not ‘ work with anyone except on the ground that he believes in the guarding of our home market and the development of our Imperial market as absolute essentials ’ .
22 The major limitation relevant here is that Parliamentary ( or ‘ primary ’ ) legislation ( that is , ‘ statutes ’ ) can not , because of the doctrine of Parliamentary supremacy , be challenged in a court of law except on the ground that it is inconsistent the European Community law .
23 ( 2 ) A transfer of a licence under this Part of this Act shall not be refused except on the ground that the applicant is disqualified by or under this or any other enactment for holding a licence or is in other respects not a fit and proper person to hold a licence under this Part of this Act .
24 Significantly , however , it also recommended safeguards against the dismissal of chief officers including a proposal to prevent dismissal of a chief executive except on the vote of two-thirds of council membership .
25 The floor and ceiling were flat , and the walls were corrugated , except on the side that consisted of the canvas covering of the back of the wagon .
26 According to the manual , regarding the felling of trees : — firstly remove long branches , except on the side where it is supposed to fall , then if possible excavate around the roots , finally one person pushes the main trunk while the other ( me ) pulls on the rope .
27 The hope is that Shas and Meretz , divided on almost everything , except on the need to negotiate peace with the Arabs , will somehow defer their showdown till the day after peace comes .
28 I continued to work in the bank and to give lessons , and did not venture far from the village on my bicycle except on the bank 's business .
29 Except on the stage .
30 In civil cases , the court has had no role in directing the course of the proceedings except on the application of one or other party .
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