Example sentences of "[subord] they [be] and " in BNC.

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1 However , on the basis of our general studies in adoption , children also need to feel secure where they are and have that security sealed by law ( Triseliotis , 1983 ; Triseliotis and Hill , 1987 ) .
2 This is a major part of the genius of God and of his Word — that it speaks specifically to people where they are and in terms of the culture in which they are immersed .
3 Set up under the Bonn Convention on migratory species , the agreement obliges its members — Belgium , Denmark , Finland , Germany , Greece , Ireland , Luxembourg , the Netherlands , Norway , Sweden and the UK — to protect bats in the various ways that bats can be protected : finding out where they are and conserving their habitats , studying them , controlling pesticides and stopping people from killing them .
4 Well , er we 're not saying they do n't , er , you , we , we went there to protest nuclear testing , we knew that er you know , we , that that , that protest would be opposed , but now that those people have been seized , er surely the very least they can do is inform us that they 're safe and well , and where they are and what is being intended ; that , that is not , er that is not too much to ask .
5 Sometimes they were so drunk they fell asleep where they were and lay without pillows or covers until I returned from work , and then I would rage at them in Arabic , telling them that thanks to them my room was no better than the Italian 's pigsty at home ; we used to spit on the ground whenever we went near it , children and grownups alike , shouting exclamations of disgust , even though all we could see of it was the outer fence .
6 But Saddam did not return her calls , the hostages stayed where they were and Jeff and Ilona were married in her native Budapest last summer .
7 When the trucks paused while negotiating a particularly tricky turn , and Rain recognized where they were and that it was a good place to be , they climbed out and took a short route out of the old town and back to the hotel .
8 Everyone stopped where they were and stared as she pointed dramatically at a dark green house plant which stood on some kind of plinth behind the seat she 'd been allocated .
9 Because of the humidity , below freezing temperatures feel colder than they are and can have the harmful effect of biting deep into the vine and this can be fatal if the sap has started to rise .
10 if that happens we 've got to market Intercity a lot harder than they are and take and take the work
11 Their motives tend , I suspect , to be a mixture of concern for their own and their families ' future , concern for countries and people who are less well-off than they are and a sympathetic response based on a wish for the better treatment of the animal world .
12 Er I wanted to talk to Jim Bowen you see about this quiz show host ought to be a a little nicer than they are and apparently his answer machine is on at home .
13 The Zoo lay under a bitter stormy sky , the bars of the cages seeming even more black against it than they were and the leafless trees more bleak There had been thick snow the previous week , the final throes of winter , and then it had thawed leaving dampness and mud everywhere .
14 Erm my mother , we were a little bit better off than they were and er I remember going to a child with my mother , to see what would be my aunt you see and uncle , and the only time I ever remember seeing my aunt with eleven children was sitting at the corner of a table with a sort of a coarse apron on and just sitting there and I never saw her doing anything .
15 If they are and this kind of tragedy occurs then they must be punished for such behaviour . ’
16 We carry on with the gin , nobody paying any attention to my sentimental reminiscences , contradictory and literary as they are and unable to express my conflicting desire that England be an island in a timewarp and that the English behaved like Continentals .
17 Other findings were that 67 per cent think standards will decline in the next few years if things carry on as they are and that 77 per cent agree teachers do a good job in spite of everything .
18 Firstly , a young horse may not have formed a habit of accepting things as they are and automatically always behaving in the same way .
19 In any case , for as long as they remain as powerful as they are and until the country is ready for a proper comprehensive system the grammar school should be preserved : ‘ It would , moreover , be absurd from a socialist point of view to close down the grammar school , while leaving the public schools still holding their present commanding position .
20 Sister Mary Leahy , who organised the prayer week at Seacroft , explained the purpose of these personal interviews ; ‘ Prayer is a relationship with God , so as a prayer guide , I would want to help people to recognise God in their lives — relating person to person — speaking to God and listening to him — coming to God just as they are and not as they think they ought to be . ’
21 Of course we could leave things as they are and just go our own ways , but it would n't work .
22 Leopards are after all quite as at home in the treetops as they are and on occasion are partial to monkey .
23 These forces have been described as ‘ Wallacian ’ ( Harper , 1977 ) , because they represent those agents of natural selection that were of more concern to Wallace than to Darwin in accounting for how organisms are as they are and behave as they do .
24 As Morgenthau put it : ‘ [ Realism ] believes … in the possibility of distinguishing in politics between truth and opinion — between what is true objectively and rationally , supported by evidence and illuminated by reason , and what is only a subjective judgment , divorced from the facts as they are and informed by prejudice and wishful thinking . ’
25 We have highlighted the importance of recognising that the Constitution is subject to change in response to political conflicts , and so we have pointed to the need to study the Constitution ( and constitutional theory ) historically , politically and critically , with an eye to the tensions between things as they are and things as it is thought they are and should be .
26 Therefore the choice is between leaving things as they are and adopting a new definition which is different in substance .
27 But er some schemes have annual general meetings and elect people er some are quite content to leave things as they are and the volunteer carries on all the way through with it .
28 Alright and er you 're quite happy with things as they are and that ?
29 It was agreed to leave them as they are and to take no further action .
30 But it would n't have been so funny if the robbers were n't as stupid as they were and the film would n't have been so good .
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