Example sentences of "[subord] that i have " in BNC.

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1 I could see she was an unfit woman , and although I was resolved not to tell anyone now of my qualifications , except that I had been an ARP worker , I did try to be as helpful to her as I could .
2 Except that I had n't seen him since he lay on his camp-bed and watched me sleeping naked with his beloved wife , the woman I 'd always characterized to him as ‘ sister ’ .
3 Of course … except that I had n't noticed this .
4 Except that I had in some way to justify myself .
5 He had such a talent for self-dramatisation that I would n't have put it past him , on finding that plunger , to have invented the whole thing — except that I had watched in horror as he deliberately forced the wretched mestizo over the edge , thrusting at his face with that dummy hand until he had disappeared into the gorge below .
6 Except that I had to live with the aftermath .
7 Except that I had no idea what I was being punished for . ’
8 Or ‘ I had a binge last night and I 've no excuse , except that I 've got a terrible hangover this morning and I 'll try again tomorrow . ’
9 But it had all happened so quickly — and I knew so little about you — except that I 'd fallen in love with you . ’
10 Not much to report this week on the home front , except that I have a sneaking feeling I may have broken a bone in my right hand .
11 There is no reason why this track should be any worse than the " effort " track except that I have chosen to block off the easy track and so turn it into a dead end .
12 Except that I have lost one of my shoes .
13 Except that I have a daughter who does n't believe in the extinction of the dodo .
14 Other than that I 've got nothing to do .
15 I know it 's a bit of tenuous link but there we are — other than that I 've no great claims to knowing any Leeds players
16 Earlier than that I have a problem and it is my problem ; if you look at the 500 or so records I have produced there is quite a small percentage either on original instruments or of pre-Classical music .
17 Nobody knew how to run the longer events , the advice we were given being the same as that I had pontificated for 80 metres back at the White City : start slowly and build up !
18 I do not want to suggest that all this work fell into such simple methodological traps as that I have described above , though I suspect that much of it did .
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