Example sentences of "[subord] he [vb past] into " in BNC.

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31 He went on and on , faster and faster , until he collapsed into his seat , his face bathed with sweat .
32 If he got into one of his queer moods he could do anything .
33 Ken believed in a supreme being , but said he would never pray for help if he got into trouble .
34 He understands and would be totally committed to tourism if he got into office . ’
35 Cos he hoped , if he got into the Met and then he transfer up here .
36 If he ran into Eleanor he planned to blame the general editor and make soothing noises .
37 They had worked together for several years and the elder of them readily agreed to help supply the other 's son if he went into hiding in the woods above Eastertyre .
38 There would be ructions , especially if he went into coalition with the Tories .
39 At four hundred feet he had n't enough altitude from which he could recover if he went into a spin .
40 Pact of Steel or not , they could not support him physically without large injections of armaments and raw materials : if he went into Poland , and France and Britain sprang to her defence , Italy would collapse .
41 ‘ He wanted to develop his business on a private basis , and if he came into the glare of publicity as owner of Manchester United he would not be able to do that , ’ one of the negotiators said .
42 In every other way he was doing wonders but it would all be lost if he fell into a trap and saw the paper closed .
43 If he popped into the Blue Boar for a quick one that lunchtime , he would probably find Selwyn Hopkins in there .
44 In Paris , if he strolled into the Dôme or the Rotonde , he would find interesting types , émigrés , intellectuals , beauties or bohemians , or Zbo could hire models for him .
45 If he hopped into bed with you that night , he was only doing what he 'd done with a hundred and one others . ’
46 If he looked into the device , he may have left something of himself . ’
47 The judge found that the substance of the post-termination commission clause was that in the event of termination following a prescribed period of service , commission would be paid to the plaintiff in respect of premiums actually paid under the relevant policies issued during his appointment but that it was subject to the proviso that the agent 's entitlement to such commission would cease if he entered into competing activities .
48 If he wandered into a room where an ill person lay , and touched them , saying :
49 He went back to the ballet , he said , after a period of doubt , because he walked into a studio and saw a young woman putting her feet into the rosin box to stop her shoes from slipping : the familiar action , a mixture of habit and discipline and grace , made him realize where his heart belonged .
50 Obviously , the appropriate adjective failed him because he burst into riotous laughter , abandoned the shoe and left .
51 Or , more probably , because he went into battle in full armour .
52 Was he genuinely attacked , because he blundered into murder ?
53 The giant nanny must have understood the tone of my voice because he strolled into sight through the open doorway and looked at me reproachfully .
54 He seemed to find the remark hilarious , because he broke into raucous laughter .
55 He spent three years on it till he got into Sakata .
56 Considering his almost round physique he showed an astonishing turn of speed , his little legs pistoning , and he did not pause till he disappeared into the shop at the far end of the village .
57 He was only spared a long jail term when 24-year-old Lynn agreed to drop assault charges providing he went into therapy .
58 Luke 's kiss , withheld to torment her for a moment while he stared into her darkened eyes , was an insult when it came , and yet insufficient to her hunger , because his mouth was torn away from hers again almost at once , plunging to suckle hard at one exposed breast for several agonising seconds , the message blatant — she was desired , and despised .
59 One pushed her into the passenger seat while he got into the driver 's seat and the other jumped into the back .
60 The three of them went into the hallway , the doctor leaving them while he went into Leeming 's room to carry out his duties .
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