Example sentences of "[subord] i do [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Possibly because the new ventilation system I 've recently supervised being installed in a factory in one of the Arab Emirates has proved so successful that I have orders for two more , or possibly because I 've just spent four weeks at full stretch in a very hot country with very little relaxation and deserve a holiday — but more probably because I own a majority stockholding in the company I bought cheap and built up to its present eminence , which gives me the position of chairman and managing director and full autonomy in deciding what I do , where I do it and with whom . ’
2 and er , it 's simpler than me doing it anyway in the
3 I wondered what he wanted , so I did it ; and in the interval of the rehearsal he came and said he was suffering from nervous shock because the moment I started he realized I was doing exactly the contrary of all the things he had taught the orchestra .
4 I had n't been out for a long time , so I did it for the relaxation , really ! ’
5 But I knew what I had to do , so I did it . ’
6 What is ninety nine then ? if I done it wrong .
7 If I do him brown or put in white all round
8 You see , if I do you a wrong and you forgive me , it 's not because I 've exercised grace , it 's because you 've exercised the grace .
9 If I do it for you , I 've got to do it for everyone …
10 She apparently told her sometime lover , Marlon Brando , ‘ I do n't know if I do it right ’ and Norman Mailer , another to enjoy her favours , was quoted as saying that the screen goddess was ‘ pleasant in bed , but receptive rather than innovative ’ .
11 If I do it I must give at least ten pounds and I simply have n't got ‘ em . ’
12 So I feel happier in my mind if I do it every day .
13 If I do it at half the speed , just do it at thirty miles an hour , how long will that take ?
14 If I do it at half the speed .
15 Now if I do it at half that speed , if I do if I drive at thirty miles an hour , how long will it take me to do the sixty miles ?
16 I make my living out of explaining things to a lot of dum-dums , and if I do it at all I expect to get paid . ’
17 What am I most likely to get out of this if I do it ?
18 There 's a letter I really ought to get written tonight — I had n't realised it was quite so late , and I can get it off by first post if I do it now . ’
19 If I do it in private , I may easily fall into the way of doing so in public .
20 If I do it that way she 'll either refuse to go , or , if she does go , she 'll be back within a short time . ’
21 If I do it too directly they wo n't listen to me . ’
22 ‘ Easier if I do it .
23 At least no if I do it will only be Friday morning .
24 if I do it I 'd drill hole on bonnet and put it in there .
25 And when I read it on there for a free gift I thought ooh if I do it myself I 'll get a free gift .
26 get my face slapped or something if I do it wrong !
27 really , your pipes should be levels , should go I drape my pipe over it if I do it , or hang it up at the back .
28 I like it if I do it with bacon and sausage .
29 I send that to Ben , oh if I do it now you can post it for me could n't you ?
30 Sometimes no I do n't bring a kit in I just put a tracksuit on and if I do it I do it .
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