Example sentences of "[subord] it [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 MRI has been much slower to develop than computed tomography , but its impact in those areas where it clearly has a substantial advantage has been enormous , namely the central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system .
2 To add 153 public houses to AW 's tied estate , a sector in which AW is currently under-represented in the North West , where it currently has only 187 public houses .
3 The Community 's authority would be extended to many areas , like health and education , where it now has no legal remit ; majority voting in the Council of Ministers would be reinforced ; the European Parliament would be given extra power to block laws it does not like ; and a small step might be taken towards a common EC defence policy .
4 It will maintain a sales and support network in the 150 countries where it now has a presence , but there may be cuts in both Wang employee numbers and the type of facilities it will operate .
5 This moved , long since , up to the campus , where it now has premises on one side of the main gateway .
6 But although it clearly had dramatic effects on the nerves of Conservative Central Office there is no evidence of any major shift in voting intentions at that time .
7 Although it already had a number of blue chip clients , such as Wm Low and the Scottish Development Agency ( and now Scottish Enterprise ) , perhaps what made the firm 's reputation was the way it handled Scottish electricity privatisation for the Government , an appointment made before the Shandwick deal .
8 Hewlett-Packard does offer multiprocessing on the 9000 Series 800 servers and although it already has multiprocessing desktops up and running in the labs , the company says it is still in the process of deciding whether to bring these to market sooner or later .
9 HP does offer multiprocessing on the 9000 series 800 servers and although it already has multiprocessing desktops up and running in the labs , the company says it is still in the process of deciding whether to bring these to market sooner or later .
10 Although it certainly has a romantic streak , our subject is a serious academic discipline ; it is not an intellectualized transcendental meditation in which exotic beliefs are wrenched crudely from their setting to be appropriated in the selfish pursuit of some second-hand , simulated , and ultimately spurious nirvana .
11 I did choose it in my first book , The Selfish Gene , so I thought that here I would fly a kite for a somewhat less-fashionable theory ( although it recently has started gaining ground ) , which seems to me to have at least a sporting chance of being right .
12 This confession must he treated with scepticism , although it possibly has some factual substratum and is not merely a figment of Walsingham 's imagination .
13 ‘ Greece strongly supports a stronger role for the European Parliament , although it only has 24 seats .
14 Erm , I mean I think if we 're wishing to analyse the application , I I think we must consider what it does n't do for the village , and I think there are a number of aspects that have to be considered , erm , first of all as a village , and I 've heard in this very Parish Council that the reputed view made that there is a need for small village accommodation , this development certainly does not provide that , we 've also expressed a view that it would be nice to retain the existing bungalow , because that is small village accommodation , and although it only has a very limited history , again it would be nice to retain it as an integral part of the village .
15 The 79-member Constituent Assembly , the majority of whose members were directly elected in December 1990 to draft a new constitution [ see pp. 37450 ; 37914 ] , voted by 54 votes to nine on June 8 to dissolve the existing Congress on July 2 , although it still had 2@1/2 years to run , and to hold fresh legislative elections on Oct. 27 .
16 However , the XE is not well supported by software houses , and although it still has a lot of games , most of these are very old .
17 Although it still has a stronger name on the track , the 1992 road range builds on the strength of previous years .
18 The hot day , my uncomfortable collar made tighter by a tie on this deserted Sunday , made this make-believe rendezvous more unreal than it already had become .
19 It is notable that he does not see himself abandoning epistemology , but as continuing it , doing it better than it previously had been done .
20 Gartner believes that by 1995 ‘ Sun will compromise much more substantially than it previously has , de-emphasizing Sun-specific application programming interfaces and services such as Open Network Computing and Open Look in favour of X/Open , OSF and USL-endorsed interfaces . ’
21 Rory thought now that his brother must have exaggerated the story , made it more horrific than it really had been , and he certainly did n't believe that Lachy had run away to sea just so that he could wear an eye-patch and pretend he was a pirate .
22 This is a somewhat more complex task to achieve , since the machine that is docked ( the client ) needs to be fooled into thinking it has more disk drives than it really has , and the desktop machine ( the server ) has to be made to share its resources with the client .
23 Lecturing was now easier for him than it once had been — he had , after all , accumulated a great deal of experience — but the readings of his own poetry frequently left him exhausted .
24 If so , training has been downgraded by the Cabinet and has less priority than it once had .
25 However the girls took the dog upstairs where it wolfed all that was left of the lasagne and went to sleep in front of the hearth , quieter than it ever had been at the Castello Crocetto .
26 She nodded rapturously , and suddenly the night was beautiful and the moon shone brighter than it ever had before .
27 Working with the management now is a lot better than it ever has been .
28 Oh indeed , but er you have to consider the situation the diplomatic situation between Britain , er the West in general and Iran which is the backer of Hezbalar which does pull the strings of the kidnappers , is perhaps er diff , different and in a more improved state than it ever has been before .
29 On erm food and noise , we 're still very , very busy indeed , and our figure for noise inspection is higher than it ever has been before , and the comment that was made under that section will show you that some of that most certainly is the amount of work that the team had to carry out during the summer , one of the benefits of our glorious summer is that most of us slept with our windows fully open for three months or more and one of the dis-benefits was that if anybody else down the road had a party that went beyond normal bed-time , everybody shared that , and our team was very busy in consequence .
30 This means that in a sequence of HLH basic tones within an utterance , the pitch of a H tone , following after a L tone , will be lower than that of the preceding H tone , e.g. If you are not aware of this , you may think the language has more tone levels than it actually has .
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