Example sentences of "[subord] i [was/were] having " in BNC.

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1 They expected me to live on supplementary benefit so I was having to work the street , trying to get my house together .
2 I feel exactly as if I were having a very prolonged dream but every time I come out of it I 'm so tired I fall back into it again .
3 ‘ Mr Wilson was always asking if I was having an affair , ’ she said .
4 She made it sound as if I was having a baby .
5 It would worry me if I was having to feed her all the time but knowing that three days out of seven she 's getting good meals , it does n't worry me so much .
6 Put it this way if I was having a problem with a member of my staff , or was , and we felt we wanted your help then you would come in and talk to them
7 Anyway , so I , I was getting a bit worried about it , and , I can , cos I was having these headaches , and I started talking to Phil and I , I had n't really said much to him about it .
8 Not that I complained because I was having a great time with it , but I noticed that there were a few changes and when I went back to England from Mustique , that was probably the last time MainMan existed .
9 She took no notice , and I began to hate her , not because I was having to apologize — she looked so old and sad that I was genuinely sorry — but because she would n't listen and it was such a-terrible physical struggle for me to talk ; my mouth seemed to be full of some sickly , sticky stuff , like chewing-gum .
10 The pepper pot idea first came about one lunchtime while I was having lunch with Chris Barry and Mervyn Pinfield .
11 It was all overdone , like the decorations in the ward , but even while I was having a superior little mental scoff , they were making me feel obscurely uneasy and near to tears .
12 While I was having lunch soldiers from the local garrison used to come in for snacks .
13 He came to my door while I was having my tea .
14 I thought after I was having a shave I 'd come downstairs , then I thought I heard the garage door go thought Lee put his bike in , I thought perhaps he ai n't got ta key
15 When I was having Jamie , I had this lovely dress , which I hardly got out of , ’ said Sukey , raking coat hangers along a brass bar .
16 A couple of years earlier , when I was having a bad patch and went to him for a reassuring chat , he had told me not to worry about it .
17 ‘ At a low point during my stay in Japan when I was having trouble with the language and the culture I phoned my father to say I was coming home , ’ recalls the black sheep with the black belt .
18 ‘ One , when I was having dinner with you and Ed in Helsinki at his apartment I sensed a certain intimacy between the two of you .
19 I was now even more impatient to see Mr Rochester , but when I was having tea with Mrs Fairfax in the afternoon , the first thing she said was , ‘ It 's fine weather for the master 's journey . ’
20 At an age when I was having qualms over the philosophy of M. Bergson , he was speaking in a factory yard of the necessity to go on strike .
21 Yet when I was having my baby they made me feel as though I should n't be having it .
22 Well , er I asked this , because erm , when I was having my house it came up , and I and I pointed out to her th the astonishing anomaly , I said , look erm , everybody knows about manuscript , Ernest and his biography of Freud mentions it and says he read it and reports rather well of it , actually , was really quite impressed with it .
23 It started when I was having tea …
24 Mind you , my hair was a lot better when I was having it done .
25 Yeah je , when I was having breakfast he used to jump on the table !
26 I hurt my shoulder when I was having a shower .
27 I felt I had gained enough experience and as I was having the baby it all tied in together . ’
28 I had regarded the English language almost as my own private possession , something which was mine by right , and now it seemed that I was going to have to fight to hang on to it , as I was having to fight for everything else .
29 I started doing it with pot , breaking a little bit , squashing it on the foil and smoking it as though I was having a chase .
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