Example sentences of "[subord] i [be] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Behind the furthest supermarket stood the gigantic glittering indoor shopping centre where I was about to work .
2 Although I am down , I still have my pride and dignity and so I thought it only right that I should remove all the silverware I had brought to the club from the trophy cabinet : my cycling proficiency medal , the Mitchley Majorettes runners-up trophy I nicked from their carnival float , my Winston Churchill commemorative coin and the photograph of Michel Platini and myself talking football outside Broadcasting House whilst both waiting to secure Bruce Forsyth 's autograph .
3 Although I was about to confront him , my experience told me that he was — well , I 've no words for it : on a different plane of reality .
4 ‘ As you can see we are talking sub rosa , ’ she said pointing to the wild roses above our heads , ‘ so I am about to let you into a secret .
5 Then suddenly I get a call saying , ‘ We are going on the road , ’ so I was in and it was fantastic .
6 I enrolled for ‘ Art for Beginners ’ and later went down to the centre where the tutor had obtained a model for us from whom to do quick sketches — so I was in at the deep end .
7 I was too old for the children 's ward so I was in with men .
8 When I went to court I pleaded guilty , and I did n't get a sentence , so I was out again .
9 It was n't long before I got caught shoplifting again so I was back on remand at Low Newton — I think I must have been on remand there about eight times .
10 So I 'm in with a chance ? ’
11 So I 'm off .
12 It 's all clear now so I 'm off .
13 " Oh , thank you , beautiful Dawn Maiden , but once I am down there I sha n't wish to come back to earth ! "
14 Once I was out shopping with a girlfriend and we went into a store .
15 Once I was out of the cab I ran and ran , and lost her ; she wo n't know where to look , the pavements are covered with footmarks .
16 Once I 'm out , you can disappear and we 'll say no more about it . ’
17 ‘ I 'll need no help , once I 'm out , ’ breathed Harry , thinking with feverish urgency of the grave under the lee of the church at Strata Marcella , and the little curling leaf on the threatened stone .
18 Once I 'm back from this trip , I 'll live like a gentleman .
19 Mrs Linley , 36 , said : ‘ The only time they can go out is if I am around to escort them to our front garden . ’
20 He added : ‘ They will ask for my release but if I am back in Liverpool 's first team then I 'll have to weigh it up .
21 It was as if I were back in Roman times .
22 as if I were back at university .
23 If I were back at the A squared , I squared is minus one , so I 've got minus three squared , there 's two give me by I Equals minus thirty nine , now because those two complex numbers are the same are the same , so sixteen is E S squared minus three square , the imaginary grids are also the same , so minus thirty equals two , eight B.
24 ‘ The table I write on , I say , exists , that is , I see and feel it ; and if I were out of my study I should say it existed , meaning thereby that if I was in my study I might perceive it . ’
25 Oh if I was up in Yorkshire I would .
26 One irate caller promised : ‘ If I was down to my last spoonful of petrol , with a hundred miles still to go , I 'd drive past an Elf station . ’
27 Mr Crum would dismiss ye on the spot if you presented yourself at the warehouse wearing those … those … dancing girls ’ things … probably send me packing as well if I was along with you . ’
28 If I was out of work I 'm sure Denis would be the first person to try and help me .
29 Now er that , if I was off sick , I could go to the Doctor and er I got , as a single man , I got er a pound a week from the National Health .
30 So if I was off for two or three years then the rate of inflation was high , then it would be ten per cent each those years
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