Example sentences of "[subord] it be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is used to generate heat in radiant and convector appliances ( where it is 100% efficient ) , and can provide whole-house heating using storage radiators ( only 95% efficient due to storage losses ) .
2 Simmel places exchange at the point at which Hegel constructs society , and this articulates well with a major tradition in anthropological theory , where it is exchange , often viewed in terms of the polarity of gift and commodity , which is seen as constitutive of society itself ( e.g. Appadurai 1986 ; Lévi-Strauss 1969 ; Sahlins 1974 : 165–183 ) .
3 I 'm not sure where it is film , we 'll have to just er last week .
4 That 's right , you do n't play with that , leave that where it was child
5 Soon , however , we were midway down and into a steep , narrow , rocky section , where it was turn now or go straight into freefall .
6 Where it was kind of
7 Erm It 's a sim similar except it 's minus over V squared .
8 Temperatures will level off at a cool eight or nine degrees celsius , that 's forty six to forty eight fahrenheit- although it is Novemver , still cool for the time of year .
9 Although it is winter time I am not afraid to move my bait higher in the water to keep in touch with the fish .
10 Although it is law , parts of it will only come into force when the Home Secretary issues the necessary regulations .
11 Basing the deprivation payments on the Jarman index still seems the best option , although it is time the Department of Health supported research into its validation .
12 Although it is Neil Armstrong who will be forever immortalised in the history books , his ‘ One small step for a man , one giant leap for Mankind ’ represented just the tip of a huge pyramid of courage , research and dedication by the foremost scientific brainpower the human race has ever mustered .
13 Erm one of the things that I like to emphasize er at this stage is that although it 's self employed it is as close to being employed as you can possibly be with a company but then but still destined by your own efforts to earn earn the money .
14 No , I 've been and spoken to them again this morning and yesterday , R S C left it there not O S D although it 's O S D's van , so they should 've come out to move it on Friday and the mechanics did n't turn up , then they lost the keys , cos yesterday myself and who was it , Lyn , waited up for the keys cos they were gon na move down put it into a safer spot .
15 Although it 's centuries since Corsica was last under Italian control , the citizens of Calvi claim that Christopher Columbus was born there while the town was under Genoese rule .
16 Although it 's naïvété and many internal contradictions and evasions were easily exposed by its critics ( Chivers , 1987 ) , it is arguable that Swann put multiculturalism and at least weak versions of antiracism on the national educational agenda .
17 But although it was Tip 's and Arnold 's maiden success , it does not rate as highly with either of them as the victory at Troon the following year .
18 I made sure that I enjoyed it to the full , although it was wartime .
19 Although it was night and she had a fifteen-mile walk , she felt quite safe .
20 Henry II , moreover , had performed homage while King and although it was homage for his continental possessions and not for his kingdom , this was a step to which none of his predecessors as Kings of England had ever steeled themselves .
21 Although it was midday everything was pitch dark .
22 This may seem an odd background for a Serbian national hero , although it was part of Marko 's obligation as a Turkish vassal ( see above , p. 26 ) .
23 The ÖVP in Carinthia , although it was part of the provincial governing coalition dominated by Haider 's FPÖ , nevertheless supported an SPÖ resolution passed by the Landtag calling for Haider 's resignation .
24 Although it was July , the weather was rather cold and blustery and some people had wisely brought their raincoats , but not me !
25 Although it was T U C policy for member unions to refuse government money for ballots , a number of unions defied it .
26 Although it was Dorothy who had come to interview the officials at PopCon ( ’ an Intergovernmental Agency for Fundamental Research into the Worldwide Problems of Population Stabilisation' ) , she kept getting the impression that it was they who were interrogating her .
27 Mercer and Bambi again invited Filmer and Daffodil into their private car , although it was Oliver , this time , who obliged them with a bowl of ice .
28 This sensation of being hemmed in in the middle of Europe was heightened by the foundation of the German Empire in 1871 , although it was Bismarck 's great achievement that he united his country in concert with the other nations of Europe .
29 Although it was December , she looked almost summery , sitting there in her bright red jacket with the fresh green plants around her .
30 Although it was Church who originally proposed the use of ‘ pinches ’ and ‘ scoops ’ for measuring out the components of salt-sugar solutions for the purpose of oral rehydration , it was BRAC which adapted this method for use by the people of Bangladesh .
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