Example sentences of "[subord] the people [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Out there , away from the Inspirals ' tour bubble , is a land of a thousand lakes and a million fir trees , where the people drive with the headlights on in full daylight , past ‘ Moose Crossing ’ warning signs , to restaurants where you can tuck into sautéed reindeer .
2 er is not a possibility of having more open days so that general public can come in to see what 's happening and not only advertise in Harlow but advertise I live in Bishop 's Stortford now in the surrounding districts erm time gets although you said you get fifty per cent of people coming from outside of Harlow it does n't matter where the people come from as long as they come so more open days free erm to get people to come in and er particularly er outside people also I would suggest that the er chairman 's of the local district council 's who are not contributing be invited to the open day to see what er the playhouse is doing for the people who live in there er council area 's to see whether we can get some more supports er as a Stortford resident I 'd be quite happy to add a bit on my community charge to go to the playhouse . .
3 It will be out in the field , where the people receiving the information can make sensible decisions as to how to act on that information .
4 Where the people rest with their wood or timber and unload it from carts outside the close of the franchise of the Charterhouse among the towns , and afterwards take up their loads of the same wood or timber , the Foresters attach them and amerce them grievously at their will without right .
5 Where the people watched for so many days there
6 ‘ They 're worse than the people trying to flog time-share holidays when you 're abroad .
7 more than the people have outside .
8 And do n't say that you are much more active than the people described above , for the sedentary label applies to most people in Western society , including club golfers , club squash and tennis players , mailmen , and Mrs Smith next door who is out in all weathers exercising her dog .
9 It seems to me that parents carry these things on longer than the people involved — even Irene Markham seemed offhand with me , though God knows what she 's got to be huffy about . ’
10 Without democracy we would n't be able to say who should rule , with democracy we can we can say these people because we voted for them and that 's it , we ca n't say these people interests we ca n't say that these people act in common good although if they do very badly we 'll try and recall them , all we can say is they 're there we need , what we need is authority structures , we need the structures more than the people occupying the roles , someone 's got to occupy the roles and this is the only way we 've got of appointing them .
11 You know , only four per cent of the Andes can be used for intensive agriculture anyway , so the people abandon them to cut rainforest and plant rice .
12 At Diego Garcia Island , 3,647 kilometres away ( in the Indian Ocean ) , the sounds of the explosions were at first thought to be coming from a ship in distress , firing its guns to attract attention , so the people ran out to vantage points on the coast of the island to try to see it .
13 Thankfully there are others also in the secret so the people have the power and the times they are a-changing …
14 Once the people had been chastised by God 's flail ( ‘ flagellum Dei ’ ) , with the English acting as the instruments of his punishment , then the days of victory would return .
15 The government still intends to introduce Islam 's sharia law , but only once the people have been ‘ educated ’ , a process expected to take at least three years .
16 In the midst of those terrifying complaint stories in Numbers is another chapter concerned with the offerings to be made once the people have occupied the Land , offerings which suggest a life of plenty waiting to be enjoyed there ( ch.
17 The references to Jericho in both Numbers and Deuteronomy lead us to expect that once the people have crossed the river the city will be the first obstacle in the way of their advance deeper into the Land .
18 And once the people have disappeared , it then becomes possible to manipulate the ‘ population ’ in your mind as if it were any other variable in a mathematical equation .
19 And once the people have disappeared , it then becomes possible to manipulate the ‘ population ’ in your mind as if it were any other variable in a mathematical equation .
20 A lot of my work has been concerned with this area and as my experience has grown I have learnt to wait until the people involved tell me they want to talk .
21 They should have waited two years more , Henry thought bitterly , until the people had come to hate me even more than they hated Richard .
22 Just keep breathing and forget right and wrong , she 'd said , you wait until the people holding you get lazy and then you escape . ’
23 What happens if the people living here get violent ?
24 It was thought , on the contrary , that if the first car should break down — and if the people knew whom it contained — there would be a spontaneous outburst of healthy anger .
25 The computer system will only bring the returns that the company expects if the people using it are using the system fully , which can be guaranteed through investment in adequate training .
26 If the people know from the start where the researcher draws the line , then the problem does not arise .
27 In another interview , with Italian radio , Mr Gorbachev said he was ready to serve Russia again if the people demanded it .
28 The Front called for the overthrow of President Assad , " by armed struggle if the people wish " and for the establishment of a multiparty parliamentary system .
29 ‘ It is as if the people involved are desperate to confirm to each other the way they feel .
30 But getting back to The Case is Altered : I supposed that if the people got browned off , as we call it , they 'd have a settin' in .
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